1 minute read
Never MindAbout Your "Title"
Putting a Rolls-Royce name plate over the radiator of a Ford does not make a Rolls.
It will still continue to performlihe a F'ord. That perfonnance witl be Fordefrciency, and all right, but the car won't do Rolls stuff. It won't have any Rolls qualities.
We have often heard men who were dickering for positions in business talking most seriously about what their "title8" were to be. Thatpoint s€emed to dominate in their minds.
It always occurred to us at such times that the man had his business perspective somewhat out of adushnent. His success or lack of it in thenewposition was going to mahe his title, and no advance arrangement would be perman;nb either way.
If he were in the Rolls class he wouldn't be