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Lloyd Harris Continues to Lead in Redwood Contest
Llovd Harris, San Francisco and Valley representative of thi Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., isstill leading the Redwood salesmen in the Redwood Contest. He is having keen competition and during the past.two weeks was hard pressed by several ofthe salesmen inthe southern part bf the staie. Among the many things of interest that he has sent into the Redwood Association Office at San Francisco, is the following letter: HoLMES PUnPxa LUMBER CoMPANY San Francisco' Calif. October 9, 1925. Calif. Redwood Assn-, 24 California St., San Francisco, Calif.
Mr. Mathews of Kicrnan-Hubbard Lumber Co., Oakland; advises me that onc of his main contractors, who contracts for homes $10,000 and up, informcd him that the general public and thc architect arc bccordng vcry interestcd in the use of Rustics and Sidings, and brcakins away from the stucco homes.
SomJof ttrise people are breaking away becausc they wish to be "Different"; othcrs because they figure it is a bctter value in Sidings.
Mr. Mathews stated he was sofircwhat surprised that such a call ehould bc made so quickly for Sidings, as hc figured it would take about a ycar morc beforc they would break away from the usc of stucco. Hc also statcd that it was to the contractors' advantagc to usc Siding because then'he would have the building complete in his own hands. As it is now, he is only handling the lumber, which is the frame and finish; while thc whole outside goes to a sub-contractor for stucco, who chargcs vcry high ratcs per day and of coursc
E. K. lVood Lumber Co.
N. 'rtY. Bank Bldg. Po*land, One.
Wc Spccialize in Graye Harbor OLD GROWTI{ YELLOW lf you like extra good quality Red Cedar Shinglec we can fumish them. takes up some of the profit; also adds considerably to tfie risks of the contractor.
FIR Finilh and Vertical Grain Flooring.
But, with the use of Sidings, the sub-contractor would be eliminated and completion of the buildings would be entirely in the contractor's hands, by means of which he would secure a greater profit and have the building completed under onb supervision-
The above information was given to me by Mr. Mathews, without solicitation from me. Mr. Mathews is very much interestcd in pustting Redwood Siding, as he fighres it is a bbtter. job, financially, and economicalty, and also from an architectural point of view.
"""iidift fJ3rr*r*o
By Lloyd Harris.
R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the Redwood Association, has returned to San Francisco after a four weeks' trip spent in calling on the lumber trade of southern part of the state and the Valley territory. While calling on the trade, he says that he found the retail trade very, much enthused over the Contest.
C. W. Buckner, Portland, manager of the door and industrial department of the Morrill & Sturgeon Lumtrer Co., was a recent California visitor on busihess. Mr. Buckner was calling on the trade in the Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay, and Valley territory, and spent nearly a month in California. He was accompanied by Mrs. Buckher.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturerl of l5O,(X)O,OOO Fc€t Annud hPacitY
C,alifornia White and Sugar Plne Lumber Milt et Suranville and Hilt' Cd.
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Saler Dcpt.
First National Bank Bldg. - San Franeirco
Dirtributing Agenb for Clrrl-Niclcrron Lurobcr Co' Evcrctt, !V'arh.
Dcmprcy Lumbcr Coo Trcomr, Werh.
Dcfiancc Lumbcr Co' Tecomen lYuh.
Bernct Lumbcr Co, Vencouvcr, B. C. lYhitncy Co., Geribaldi, Orc.
Littlc Riva Rcdwood Co, Hunboldt Bry.
For Donlcy