3 minute read

Wunt So'mething DLfrferent

long in getting the name plate. And if he showed Ford speed, trhat's how he would be captioned.

A man soon classifies himself in an organization, and to put a fancy title on him at the beginning, onlyto find that he waa a "fliyver," wouldn't do him any permanent good, but simply lay him open to demotion later.

There are places for Rolls and Fords. Both perforgn efrciently in their places. Change the name plates, and the Rolls will still be a Rolls, and the Ford a Ford.

It is usually the Ford that wants to be called aRollsthat does the advance worrying about titles.

A man's PRODUCTMNESS determines his title.

Business cards of real California Redwood and Douglas Fir are quite a novelty, and we are receiving repeat orders from customerg who have tried them. The cards are the same size as the illuetration, are three-ply veneer, using the real wood, are very pliable and strong and command instant attention when ueed. Fine for wholesale salesman, for retailers, and they make an appreciated gift for contractor customers. Use them this Christmas. Prices are, $7.50 tor 250 cards, $ | 0.50 for 500$18.00 perthousand. Lower rates on Iarger quantities. 'We can make deliveries in about two weeks after receipt of order. Printed any color, and with your own copy. Send for samples, or send order to The California Lumber Merchant, 3 | 8 Central Building, Los Angeles.


A complimentary dinner in honor of Capt. Robert Dollar and the Pioneer Lumbermen of the Golden State, will be held in the Terrace Ball Room of the Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, on Thursday evenihg, November 12. Dinner will start at promptly 6:19 p. m. There will be a special musical program and entertainment furnished by Kohler & Chase, the well known musical concern of San Francisco, under the persohal supervision of Charles Lamp. The Committee have arranged to have several prominent guests in attendance, who will also be on the speaking program.

Following the dinner, there will be a Concatenation. The committee are working hard to have a large class of Kittens initiated, and have announced that three special prizes will be awarded to the lucky members who bring in the largest number of Kittens. A prize will be awarded to the members signing up the largest number in San Francisco, East Bay, and Peninsula Districts.

The committee have been very fortunate in getting the services of Radio Statioh KPO and the entire speaking and entertainment program will be broadcasted starting at 6:30 p.m. Station KPO, which is operated by the San Francisco Chronicle andHale Brothers, is one of the largest stations in the west, so if you are unable to attend don't fail to tune in and hear this interesting program.

Tickets to the Dinner and Concatenation are $3.50 each. Reservations and remittances should be made to J. E. Martin, 900 Matson Building, San Francisco. The committee announce that further announcernents will be mailed in the near future.

The committee in chdrge of the general arrangemehts includes:-J. E. Martin, "The California Lumber Merchant," Chairman; Fred Roth, vicegerent snark, with J. H. McCallum; J. E. Peggs, W. R. Chamberlin & Co.; C. C. Stibich, with Frederick S. Palmer; L. A. Godard, Hendrickson Lumber Co.; F. W. Burgers, IJnion Lumber Co., and Chas. R. Wilson, Chas. R. McCormick & Co.


The many lumbermen friends of C. Stowell Smith, Secretary-Manager of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, are glad to hear that he has recovered from his recent illness and is now back on the job again. Mr, Smith has been on the sick list for the past several months but is now feeling fine again.


Hugh Hogan, manager of the Hunter Lumber Co. and well known East Bay lumberman, who is real booster for Redwood has advised the California Redwood Association that they have recently placed a large sign at their yard advertising this valuable wood. In his letter to the Association, he states'-"QgJ appreciation of the value of Redwood has prompted us to have your'sign, advertising same, reproduced in original color on the face of our building at Shattuck Ave. and Oregon Street. The sign is 10 feet by 4O feet. The wordirrg is "IJse Redhn'ood, It Lasts. Let us Help You Build and Repair."

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