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The Scope of this Organization and Facilities to Serve You

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In the Island of Luzon, the most northerly of the Philippine group, this company owns its own timber lands-a tract of over 300 square miles-and employs some 2000 employees; owns upwards of 50 miles of railroad track and the necessary eguipment; maintains two ocean going steamers in addition to tugs, lighters, port equipment, etc.

Its mills are characterized by their modern American machinery and methods of logging, handling and milling.

Controlling our source of supply, we are.in a poeition to properly back up our guaranteed grades. Our trade marked specialties are

BATAAN which closely resembleg and has many of the characteristics of the true Mahogany.

LAMAO a wood similar to Bataan, but lighter in color.

BAGAC much used in place of Teak, Iron Bark, Spotted Gum, Oak, Hickory, Maple, etc. Has remarkable durability under hard usage.

ORION a wood similar in every way to Bataan, but much harder.

Ample stochs of this lumber, panels, veneers, flooring, etc., are on hanil in our Los Angeles yoil.

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