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}IID I"HIALY aDvtrlsrio Dru@l
Phll,adelphla, S€pt6bc! 24, J..g?!, lb. J. D. Gllcay Vlce-healdeot, Creo-Dlpt Con;x4;rrlnc., Nortt Tonaraada, lfen lork.
Deat. 16r. G{1ss3-
&rDk you veqf utrch for your non-calcellablc ordet tr Celrred thl.s norafug s[s! sa'116 for t5 fuU color lngea ln lbe Saturday Dreulag Poet for 193O, beglanJ'ng January 4tft aDd contiaulng ervery four ree&g thereafLer tlbroughout the ycar. nrls order ls partlcularly plcashg to us b€&use the Glreo-Dlpt Conpa4r rss tbe gocoad concem to give us !n or4ea for lg_firll pagea la four colora, rden re ftrst began prbtflg lnges ln 1\rll colora ba& Lu 1925. AIso Lt uarks tbe-flft.bconoecutlye year tn itrlcb the Creo-Dtpt CoupanSr hap beea adver- tlslng ljl the Sabuday Evealng Post ln color pages.
NOTHER big year of Creo - Dipt advertising ahead! Yet Creo-Dipt advertising in the Saturday Evening Post is only part of CreoDipts 1930 campaign. In 1930, we will spend more money than in any other year, advertising Creo-Dipts products for sale through lumber dealers.
Think what this means. lfhen you say "we recommend CreoDipt Shinglesr" your cusromers know what you're talking about. Save your breath. Save your time. Sell Creo-Dipts-sell Creo-Dipt color.
In tbat tlne you have Lnvested over a dll:loa dolfara 1a advertlgbg, practlcally .'tr of rhl'ab has been speut la tie Saturdly Dved-ug Port, and ttrtg la a great trlhrte to us. Not onlgr becauee of the large alowrt of uoney that you have spelrt' gtl, "r but becauge your contlaued patronage is one nore proof that the Satilrd4y Lveal^ng Post 1a tbe leadtag advertisilg-!€dlru la tlrls coutry.
I belleve tbat you too mrst get a great deal of pleasure Ilou pl.aciag tJd,s otde! rlth us for uot on\r does lt Dark a! achreveocat tn tne hrtldlng lnduatrtrr, tut it is of great pems!- of value to ever5r dealer haadlilg your producta nltt! best p€rsoDr.l nlsheg foa your contlnued succesa,
IourSr isry trult,
Creo-Dipts last longer because they are stained under pressure. Compressed air forces 357o to 40% more color into the wood than ordinary methods of hand and bundle dipping. And more color means longer color life.
[Jse Creo-Dipts on your nexr job. See the satisfaction that they give your cusromers. Then you'll knorq why Creo-Dipts have been the leading stained shingles for the past 20 years.
We invite you to write us or phone our representative now for prices, color charts and complete information.
The Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, Calif. (Nortfiern R"p.); The Hipolito Co., 2O2l S. Alameda St., Los Angeles, Calif. (Southern Rep.).