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v. G.
"Speaks Well for Its Value as Advertising Medium"
Los Angeles, Cal., October t,l9D
Mr. Jack Dionne, Publisher, The California Lumber Merchant, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, California
Dear Jack:
We just received the enclosed letter, which we think speaks pretty well for the distribution of your magazine, and also its value as an advertising medium. We will probably have an inquiry from Mars, or the Moon tomorrow, at which time rve will be very glad indeed to forward the same to you to be used as you see fit.
Yours very truly, CALIFORNIA PANEL & VENER CO. Howell Baker, President.
Pratteln, den 14.9,29 (Switzerland) California Panel & Veneer Company, P. O, Box 96, Los Angeles, U. S. A. Gentlemen.
Referring to your advertisement in The California Lumber Merchant, tve are much interested in Your Panels, Veneers, Wainscot and pressed Moulding. We therefore, beg you, to kindly let us have a copy of your price list and samples.
Yours very truly, (Signed) W. HERTNER & SOHNE.
C. H. White Attends National Hardwood Convention
C. H. White of White Brothers, San Francisco, attended the convention of the National Hardrvood Association held at Chicago, September 19 and N. Mr. White is Pacific Coast director of the association.
S. F. Building Permits Exceed Last Year's
Total value of building permits issued in San Francisco during the first nine months of this year is $27,L31,995, as against $25,930,124 for the first nine months of 1928.