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38th Hoo Hoo Annual
Gaines D. Whitsitt ElectedSnark
Gaines D. Whitsitt, Amarillo, Texas, was elected Snark of the lJniverse at the thirtv-eighth annual convention of the Concatenated Order of 'Ho6 Hoo held at Amarillo, Texas, on September 25,26, and27. Mr. Whitsitt has been an active member of Hoo Hoo for many years and served as Senior Hoo Hoo on the Supreme Nine during the past year. He succeeds M. M. Riner of Kansas C-ity, ^Mo.
- The follor,r'ing were elected to serve on the -Suprem-e Nine: Senior lloo Hoo, Adelard Beaudette, Montreal, Canada; Junior Hoo Hoo, Franklin A. -Hofheins, Buffalo, N. Y.; Bojum, W. G. Smith, Akron, Ohio; Scrivenoter, ters and the local units, and to give direct support to the lumber association in their trade promotion efforts.
Resolutions of appreciation to the trade associations, lumber press, officers of the Order, Snark Riner, Secretary-Treisurer Isherwood, the lumbermen and ladies of Amarillo, the United States and Canadian Forest services, and to E. C. Atkins & Co., rvhich furnished the convention badges, were adopted.
Cresolution of 'greeting and good wishes was adoPted by the convention- and tilegrap-hed to Parson and Mrs. Simpkin, at their home in Diytbn, Ore. The Parson was un"bl. to attend the convention owing to the serious illness of Mrs. Simpkin.
A message of greeting also was sent to Peter T. Langan, 24Cfl., -oi tttJ P. T. Langan Lumber Co., Cairo, Ill., wiaety knorvn and beloved lumberman and Hoo Hoo, who was unable to attend.
Opening Session
Snark of the Universe M. M. Riner called the meeting to order. Mayor Ernest O. Thompson of Amarillo welcomed the visitors in behalf of the City, and Dwight Newby, president of the Amarillo Hoo H.oo Club, did likewise- on tehalf of the Hoo Hoo of Amarillo and Texas. Adelard Beaudette, a member of the Supreme Nine from Montreal, Canada, responded for the visitors.
In presiding over the business sessions, Snark Riner used a handsome -gavel and block carved from the timbers of the U. S. S. Constitution-"Old lronside5"-presented to Hoo Hoo by Frederick Kemp, on behalf of the Harry L. Folsom Hoo Hoo Club of Boston.
pen Springer, Milwaukee, Wis.; Jabberwock, Tom Spauld/ing, Missoula, Mont.; Custocatian, N. E. Boucher, Minne,r/ apolis, Minn.; Arcanoper, A. A. Frost, San Diego, Calif.; Gurdon, J. Wats Martin, Norfolk, Va.
The Spokane Club won the Hoo Hoo Club c_up-the first club to win a second victory in the contest. Spokane won the cup in 1926, the Twin Cities Club in t927, and tll.e Kansas City Club in 1928.
An impoitant action of the convention was the creation of a Sustaining Membership, to which all members of the Order and any eligible lumbermen will be permitte4 -to subscribe. The du"es of the classification will be $25.00, of which 4O per cent will be available for the activities of any Hoo Hoo Club which enrolls as a sustaining -m-ember.
The convention imposed on the new Supreme Nine the responsibility of preparing a complete, specific glggr.am f-or the further development of the Order, and of publishing the program in an eaily issue of the Hoo Hoo Bulletin. -
Decrying the fact that the Order's Friends of the Forests aciivities were curtailed during the last year, the convention adopted a resolution directing the Supreme Nine to encourage the substantial renewal of forestry-educational work. Another resolution on the subject of forestry reiterated the Order's intention to cooperate activelv with the United States and Canadian Forest services.
While not officially recording itself on the subject, .the convention was in unanimous accord with the proposal to increase the field staff of the International Order as a means of establishing closer contacts between Headquar-
Snark Riner then introduced six past Snark of the Universe, as follows: N. A. Gladding, Indianapolil Seer of the Fiouse of Ancients; A. C. Ramsey, Terrell, Texas; E. D. Tennant, Santa Monica, Cal.; W. S. Dickason, Tulsa; Arthur A. Hood, Chicago, and James M. Brown, Spokane.
Snark of the ljniverse Riner then delivered his annual report in which he analyzed Hoo Hoo and its opportunities. Snark Riner said in part:
"Business men, piofessional men, capital and labor are all in accord on one point, which is that the best contribution to the welfare of our country from the standpoint of moral uplift, education, economy and develop-ment-is to be had through association and organization. Hoo Hoo accepts this principle, giving aid and -assistance wherever poisible to the d-evetopment of association and otganila' tion work. If our country is to become what we hope for, ifit is to gain and maintain a lead in world affairs, if it is to have -the confidence and respect of all other nations of the world, and maintain them, it will be due to the inflpence of the home life of the generation now in swaddiing clothes. Is it reasonable to gxpecJ our future pr-esident"s, congressmen, scientists and leaders to be cradled in careless-ness and indifference? It has been said, and truly said, I believe, that home life will shape the destiny of tfie future. Therefore, Hoo Hoo believes in modernization, it believes the home should be made more attractive, more comfoitable, more enduring, more beautiful, stimulating the youth of our country with more reverence for it.
(Continued on Page 16)
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