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Parson Simpkin Reappointed Hoo Hoo Chaplain
The first act of Gaines D. Whitsitt on his election as Snark of the lJniverse at the Hoo Hoo Annual held at Amarillo, Texas, on September 25, 26 and 27, was the--reappointrnent of Parson Simpkin as the c.haplain -of Hoo lioo International. The Parson lvas not in attendance at the convention-the first he has missed in many yearsolving to the serious illness of Mrs. Simpkin.
Pacific Logging Con$ress Meets at Seattle Oct. 23'26
A fine program for the 2oth session of the Pacifi-c Logsins Consreis to be held at the Olympic Hotel, Seattle, b.i-of.r iS to ZO, has been worked out by President R. W. 'Vinnedge and Secretary A. Whisnant.
In addition to the regular program, two special sessions for Pine operators rvill-be held, one on Wednesday afternoon and the other on Thursday afternoon'
Arrangements have been made to visit the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company's camp at Rainier, Wash., on Saturday, October 26, ihe-whole day being given over to this field trip.
Walter Thayer Wood
Walter Thayer 'Wood, vice-president of the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, died on September 25 at Alta Bates Hospital, .BerkeJey.
Mr. Wood was born in Stanton, Mich., 50 years ago, and came to California as a youth. He had been in poor health for the past year, but only became seriously ill two weeks before his death.
He is gurvived by his widow, Mrs. Alma M. Wood; three daughteis, Mrs. Frank Fee, Miss Frances Wood and Miss Alma Wood, and a son, John B. Wood.
Red Cedar Shingles Bureau Changes Chicago Office
Following the recently announced affiliation with the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, after October lst, will occupy space in the Nati,oi,ral's suite of offices in Chicago. Correspondence should be addressed to the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, 2017 Conway Building, 111 West Washington Street. Head offices of the ShinglE.Bureau will be miintained at 4455 Stuart Building, Seattle, Washington.