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Albert J. Nolan
one of the best known lumber executives in San Francisco is Albert J. (AD Nolan, Manager of western Sales for The Pacific Lumber company. He is a native San Franciscan, and has made his headquarters in that city ever since he was borrq with the exception of the time he spent at Scotia learning the sawmill end of the business, and the time spent in the Air Service during the World War.
Immediately after finishing his college cours€ at St. Ignatius College in San Francisco in 19lQ he w€nt to wqrk for The Pacific Lumber Company in their retail yard in San Francisco, and when this yard was closed in 1916 .t rent to the company,s big opera- tion at Scotia to get experience in the manufacture of Redwood.
When war was declared in 1917 he went into the Air Service, taking his ground training.at the university of calilornia Ground school at Berkelcy. He got his aying practice at various fields in Texas and Arkansas, qualifying for his ..wings" at Ebert's Field, Roanoke, Ark.
After taking his discharge from the Army he returned to the sales department of The Pacific Lumber Company in San Francisco, and later was promoted to the position of Assistant v/estern sales Manager, holding down this busy job until June 1, l.9zg, when he became Manager of Western Sales.
Mr. Nolan was married in 1923 to Miss Mary Gilhoorey of Kentfield, calif., and has one daughter, Marian Clare.
He has two hobbies of long standing, Redwood and football, and is known as a Ieading authority on football in lumber circles around the Bay. He sees a ganre every saturday in the season, and always has a great problem, to decide v/hen two important games are scheduled in one day. rs a member of the Olympic Club and of Lakeside Country Club. Has always taken a great interest in Hoo Hoo and is now vice-president of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club.
Fir One Panel Doors
Some rnry say"a truck is a truck"; but the expcdenccd ones know better. {One truck shouts for work the othcr ducks for repairs onc bows its back for the superpull thc other prnts undcr the payload. tfThc difference is in thcir rncertryl {L. H. Bill docsn't send wetldings out to do the huslcy's iob. Thc Frgeol come3 lrom a sinewy sire !n ofrtPring with grit and grip and grab and a steely toughness... breathing the strongrdeep breaths of men inspired, men who love to shape stubborn iron and glbtening steel into a mcster trt men who willingly work lor weeks to develop perfcction down to ten thousandths of an inch. {Men who set mrssive notol3 in compact drrssis as gently as babies rrc cradlcd who use powerful madrines, with the deltness of sensitive lingers. accepting nothing less than that precision whidr gives the cx.ct tension to the least important bolt. {Sudr ale the mcn tssociltcd with L. H. Bill.. sudt are the men behlnd the Fageoltrud<.