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Lumber Code Administrators "Mod" mize Sacramento" Put on Guard
Washington, Oct. 9.-David T. Mason, Executive Officer of the Lumber Code Authority, today sent a telegram to all of the 85 Divisions and Subdivisions of the Lumber Code' ,{tithority administration throughout the United States admonishing them not to put an erroneous interpretation on temporary restraining injunctions. Referring to the ,temporary injunction granted by Judge Anderson of the United States District Court at Memphis last Saturday, restraining the United States Attorney from proceeding against 16 lumber manufacturers accused of Code price violation, he pointed out that the injunction may not even protect the individuals named against criminal liability if the j-udge's position were reversed on the final hearing, or on appeal. Mr. Mason's telegram reads as follows:
"Memphis decision Saturday grants temporary injunction against U. S. Attorney, restraining him from proceeding 'against the sixteen plaintiffs concerning price violations only. Wish to emphasize that this action limited to sixteen plaintiffs in this jurisdiction only, and even in case of these sixteen does not necessarily relieve them from criminal liability if situation reversed by judge following final hearing or upon appeal. This decision on temporary injunction does not relieve any division or subdivision from full price compliance activities nor does it relieve any persons in any division from obligations in price compliance, not even sixteen persons involved. In other words, this temporary injunction merely restrains U. S. Attorney from proceeding against these sixteen people until such time as -question is finally passed on. NRA has promised prompt appropriate action and case will be promptly taken to Circuit Court of Appeals. All Divisions should continue vigorously full compliance'activities."
Orange Starts Housing Program
. With former Mayor Clyde A. Watson as general chairman, a community-wide modernization and repair program is under way in Orange, California. Chairman Watson will be assisted by John Christiansen, H. J. Kogler, J. J. Hutchins, C, O, Oldfield, V. D. Johnson and H. G. Lembke.
f. \amPargn
The "Modernize Sacramento" Campaign of the Sacramento Better Housing Program is being handled by a committee headed by Martin C. Bolts, of the Bank qf A,merica, and an advisory committee of 21 business men of 'which G. W. Peltier, also of the Bank of America, is chairman.
Jo H. Shepard, general manager. of Friend. & Terry Lumber Co., and Oscar H. Miller, manager of the Klox l,umber Co., are active members of the committee.
As a part of the campaign an old house is being remodeled at 7th and K Streets, a prominent downtown corner. Each Sacramento lumber yard is ebntriboting a share of the materials for the remodeling work.
An information bureau has been opened at 717 K Street, in charge of Mrs. J. B. Smith
Stockton's Housing Drive
Stockton organized its Better Housing Drive at a meeting held at the Chamber of Commerce, Stockton, Seplember 22.
Jerry A. Andrews was named chairman of the general campaign committee. C. B. Clawson, The Diamond Match .Co., San Joaquin Lumber prominent members of a for the drive.
Co., and W. H. Falconbury, are committee selected to lay plans
George R. Baker has been appointed campaign manager for the housing drive. He is on a full-time salary basis, and has been provided with a downtown office and a secretary.
An intensive advertising and educational campaign has been started.
A total of 30 prominent business men and civic heads were put on the various committees, and a lot of enthusiasm is being evidenced. l
An old house will be placed on a prominent downtoyrn corner and remodeled, the cost being borne by local lumber and building material dealers and home furnis1rers. When completed tickets will be sold on the house.
Wins Costumit Prize
Donald A. Fraser, of the Lodi Lumer Co., Lodi, won the first prize for the most original and distinguished costume at the recent Lodi Grape Festival. Mr. Fraser's costume was that of a Southern gentleman of the. old school... -.