2 minute read


Ponderosa Pine admirably serves the requirements of the lumber dealer in furnishing the needs of his customers.

Ponderosa dries easily and thoroughly. It also nails, screws, and glues well, and is easy to work. Another attribute of Ponderosa Pine is its low shrinkage factor which is practica,lly 3o/o less than some of the heavier soft woods.

And, of course, in the shipping container market Ponderosa furnishes the necessary protection ^t ^ low cost. The light weight reduces transportation charges, an important consideration. For paneling in old and new interiors, Ponderosa Knotty Pine is available in a wide variety of patterns.

The important matter of proper seasoning has been worked out at Klamath Falls to the "nth" degree. From the time the logs the stock employed in the knocked-down enter the mill until the finished boards arrive at destination, this Ponderosa Pine furniture and household equipment field. lumber is never exposed to the elements.

Ponderosa represents a large percentage of

When The Wild Geese Fly

Every year when the grass grows gray, And the sun hangs low on a soggy day, When the late rose lifts a faltering head To the summer days that are almost dead; Every year when a mellow note Floats down from some squadron leader's throat, Faint and clear through the gurFroom runs A rustle of bqsts and a whisper of guns.

A whisper o/'iuns! A memory lifts, And out ofla rain-torn curtain drifts

A rusdjnqf sound from ordered wings As a plafrtom le$on wheels and swings.

Wheelb$pd swings on an airy track

Feathered troops o'er a fog drenched land, Ruled by the beck of a Master's hand.

Ah, gallant geese of the misty dawn; What age-old instinct leads you on?

What voice from some soft srunmer sea Calls out, and wingrng wild and free Your mighty pinions beat the air, To bear you, all unguided, there?

No man may know; but a spirit sings And a heart beats high to the rush of wings.

Hard To Tell

,"rH instructor told me tf * if I were part of the "Did he tell you which part?"


To give real service you must a$/6etning which cannot be bought or measured with rfionen and that is sincerity and integrity.

-Donald A. Adams


First Swimmer: Do you know the iackknife dive?

Second Swimmer: Do I? I was there when they raided it.

What It Takes

A good woman inspires a man, a brilliant woman interests him, a beautiful woman fascinates him-but the rympathctic woman gets hirril


Wear your learning, like your watch, in a private pocket; and do not pull it out and glrike it, merely to show that you have one. If you \rey'tea what o'clock it is, tell it, but do not proclaim it tldrtf and unasked, like the watchman.-Chesterfield


Opportunities are swarmiryround us all the time, thicker than gnats at sundopf We walk through a cloud of them.-Van Dyke


The smallest actual $U7f,O",ter than the most magnificent promises of im&r(iuilities.


"Are you a pharmacist?" she asked the young man at the soda fountain.

t'No, ma'amr" he replied,"I'rr"n a fizzician."

No Harm Done

Passerby: Dear me, my good.ydn, did you fall down the steps? | ,/

Drunk: Yesh, but itsf, aU\fgfrt, I was going down anyway.


Guinea pigs are rodents, not pigs.

Catgut cornes from sheep, not cats.

Rice paper is made from the pith of a tree.

Wormwood is neither worm nor wood. It's an herb.

Camel's hair brushes are made from the hair on the tails of squirrels.

The flying fox has a face that looks like that of a fox, but it's a fruit-eating bat.


Eastern Visitor: Has the advent of the radio helped ranch life?

Pinto Pete: I'll say it has. Why, we learn a new cowboy 6ong every night. And say, we've found out that the dialect us fellers has used fer years is all wrong.

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