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News Flashes

Coos Bay Lumber Company's steamer Lumbertown, formerly the Castletown, has been named the Coos Bay.

Cliff Bergstrom, MacDonald & Bergstrom, Los Angeles, Mrs. Bergstrom and their son, Jack, are vacationing in the Northwest.

Ralph Myers, San Francisco, president, Shipowners' Association of the Pacific, spent a few days in Los Angeles on Association business around the first of the month.

T. B. Lawrence, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has been in the Northwest where he visited their mill connections at Aberdeen, Portland and Coos Bav.

Bay City Lumber Company, Aberdeen, Wash., resumed operations on October 1. Ed West is sales manager.

A. E. Mclntosh, Portland, Ore., president, West Oregon Lumber Co., was a recent visitor at the company's Los Angeles and San Francisco offices.

Henry Anderson, Twin Harbors Lumber Co. and Olympic Hardwood Co., fnc., Aberdeen, Wash., was a recent Los Angeles business visitor. He made his headquarters at the offices of Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., their hardwood representatives in Southern California. Mr. Anderson left for a ten days' business trip in the East that will carry him to New York and other cities on the Atlantic seaboard.

Guy Male, Globe Lumber Company, Los Angeles, recently made a trip to the New York World's Fair, and on his return stopped off at Washington, Kansas City, and other points of interest.

The steamer Claremont, recently damaged, has been repaired and is back on the coastwise run again.

R. L. (Dick) Ustick, who u'as associated with Stanislaus Lumber Co., Modesto, for many years, resigned recently to take a position as credit manager of an implement concern in that city.

Geo. W. Gorman, Gorman Lumber Co., Oakland, returned October 7 fuom a business trip to Los Angeles. He made the journey both ways by United Air Lines plane.

E. L. Thomas, Dudley-Thomas Lumber Company, Santa Monica, left for the East on October 4. He will pick up a new Buick at Flint, Mich., and drive back to the Coast.

Gus Luellwitz, Globe is back from a vacation Lumber Company, Los Angeles, trip to Alaska.

Walter Spicer, Bay District Lumber Company, Newport Beach, was a recent San Francisco visitor.

Herb Higman, Reliable Lumber Company, Rosemead, made a trip to the Imperial Valley over the week-end of October 6 where he bagged the limit of doves.

A. E. Fickling, Fickling Lumber Company, Long Beach, has been in the East where he picked up a new Buick at Flint, Mich., and drove back to Southern California.

Albert Schafer, vice-president of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Montesano, Wash., and his wife and daughter were San Francisco visitors during the last few days of the San Francisco Fair.

Charles Storve of Stowe-Lima Lumber Co., Hayward, recently made a lo-day automobile trip to Salt Lake City, Bryce Canyon, Boulder Dam and Death Valley, returning by way of Los Angeles.

Joe Rogers of Square Deal Lumber Co., Salinas, and Sidney Prouty, purchasing agent of Tynan Lumber Co., Salinas, returned recently from a 10'day pleasure trip to the Pacific Northwest.

Ray Shannon, manager of the Los Angeles office of the IJnion Lumber Company, spent a few days at the San Francisco office early this month.

Geo. W. Robinson, of Lodi, Northern California representative of Campbell-Conro Lumber Co., Portland, Ore., spent his vacation at Alpine Lake, Alpine County, Calif.

Eli Destruel, manager of Mead Clark Lumber Co., Santa Rosa, and a party of friends were snowed in around September 20 by an early snowstorm while deer hunting in Modoc County; Calif., but got their bucks on the way out after being delayed four days.

Ed Culnan, Western Lumber Company, San Diego, spent a few days in San Francisco recently.

F. H. A. Business in Southern California Ahead of 1939

September was another better-than-$10,000,000 month in volume of applications received for the issuance of mortgages to be secured by small homes under Title 2 of the National Housing Act, and represented a 10 per cent increase over August, according to the latest report of Captain W. G. Bingham, district director for Southern California.

During September, 24IO applications valued at $1O,235,10O were accepted for appraisal and 84 per cent by number, or 2027 cases, valued at $8,524,600, called for the construction of new homes under F.H.A. inspection. Comparison with September, 1939, shows an increase of 40 per cent by number and 36 per cent by dollar volume.

The foregoing figures do not include applications calling for insurance of mortgages on new home construction under Title 1 of the act, which numbered 151, with a value of $299,600 during September.

Captain Bingham also reported a substantial increase for the nine-month period of t94O over the like period of 1939, a gain of. 2536 applications valued at $8,912,900 calling for the construction of new homes under Title 2. These figures do not include the Title I totals.

New Group to Supply Executives

To help small businesses grow and to assist large business to gain greater efficiency a new facility has sprung up from coast to coast. With its beginning in Boston three years ago, the Forty Plus organization has been a clearing house in 33 major cities where a business man may go to obtain expert assistance in finding executives with sufficient talent, training and experience.

As the name implies Forty Plus is composed of executives of broad experience over forty years of age. The organization is a non-profit self supporting group of men who are available for part-time or full-time positions of responsibility. There is no charge either to members or employing concerns for this service.

The Southern California chapter of Forty Plus during the past eighteen months has placed 83 out of a total of 152 members. The facilities of Forty Plus are available to any organization or business man. The address is Forty Plus of Southern California, 1168 So. Hill St., Chamber oI Commerce Bldg., Los Angeles.

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