1 minute read

"Out Douglas Fir Plywood

sales are incrcasing by leaps and bound st!"

says progressioe Vancouoer, fVn., dealer

"Lcrgely responsible for this increose is the extensive plywood use in residentiql constructon, but this hqs been cr bcrrner yecn lor exterior plywood bocrts, too. We also use thous<rnds ol feet of Douglos Fir Plywood in our ploning mill. V/e qre moking o speciol eflort to push oll the grcdes and the Dri-Bilt methods becouse they're oll good business."


II you wcnt lcrger prolil ligurer ia your ledger every month, stocL up ol cll grcdes od Douglcr Fir Plywood qnd merchmdiae them hcrd. For uore inlomctio! or extrq DriBilt moucls lor your buildcrr, wila Douglas Fir Plywood Asrociqtioa, Tcrconc Euilding. Tccomc, Wn.

Parson Simpkin Reunion

Lumbermen, members of their families and friends numbering 62 traveled to Calaveras Big Trees for the tenth annual Parson Simpkin Reunion on Sunday, October 6. The service was held at the Parson Simpkin Redwood tree.

C. D. Le Master of Sacramento, in charge of the program, prepared a paper on "The Parson and His fdeals," which was read by his daughter, Miss Maebelle Le Master.

Prof. Geo. C. Jensen, assistant superintendent of Sacramento City schools, spoke on "Our Code of Ethics."

B. E. Bryan, D. A. Williamson and Chas. G. Bird made brief talks. Mr. Williamson, the oldest continuous member of Hoo-Hoo, spoke on "Things I Remember of Parson Simpkin."

Music was provided by the Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club quartet, accompanied on the accordion by Joe Bobba.

A letter was read by Tom Jones, president of Central Valley Hoo-Hoo Club, from Frank W. Trower, Seer of the House of Ancients. who was unable to be present.

Buys Yard At Wasco

A. G. Woodhouse recently purchased the yard of Moore Lumber Co., 'Wasco, and is operating it under that name.


The Red Gedcr Shingle Burecu, through lorcelul cdverlising cnd gucrcnleed quclity, is winning c vcst building market lor the retail lumber decrlers wbo sell CEBTIGBADE.

Burequ Hecdqucrters in Secttle, Wcebington, or Vcmcouver, B. C,, Ccnqdc, will send litertrture cnd detrler-helpa lree on request.


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