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Rate"'$Z.8o Per column Inch. Minimum Ad one-Half Inch.

Position With Wholesaler Wanted

Lumberman, 36 years old, married, not afraid of hard work, wants position with wholesaler. Knows the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley trade. Can furnish best of references. Ad&ess Box C-g39, California Lumber Merchant.

For Sale

1931 International 10-ton, lGwheel roller bed truck with 1935 motor. Tires practically new. Vacuum brakes-lS speeds forward. Complete fittings for trailer. Excellent condition. $1,OOO, terms. l43Z San Pablo Ave., Oakland. GLencourt 3227.

Manager Wanted

Wanted manager, or assistant manager, for retail lumber concern. Reasonable hours. Good salary. Address Box C-8,$0, California Lumber Merchant.


ut lhe Uatrtomia Lumber Merchlrnt, published Semi-monthly st Log {:nseles, California, for October l, 1939. Statc of Califomie' County od Los Ansctcs. lt.

Bcforc mc, a Notaiy, Public in aad lor thc State and county aforc. !aid, .personally a.ppered J' E. Martia, who, hiviag U*" -a"ii "i,,;6i" lc:-o.rdrng to taw, de-p_oses and say,s that hc is the Business Manager of Tbc Latfornra Lumber Merchant, and that the following is. to thc best ol his lcltowlg{gc and bclicf, a- tru! statemcnt of thc owneishi!, maaagcmcnt land if a daily papcr, the circulation), etc., of tbe aforesaid publicaiion for'the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of -August 24, !9I2, as amended by the Act of March 3, 1933, cmbodied in section 537, Postal Laws and Regulations, printcd on the reversc of this form, to wit: l. That the namcs and addrtsses of thc publisher, editor, managing cditor, and business managcrs arc: Publishcr, J. C. Dionnc, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angcles; Editor, J. C. Dionne, 318 Central Bldg., Ias .Argeles; Maaaging Editor, J. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angcles; Business Manager, J, E, Martin, 318 Central BIdg., Le Angelcs.

2. That the wner is: (If owned by a corporation, its namc and address must bc stated and also immediatelv - therturidcr the namcs and addresses of stockholderg owaiag or holdiig one per ccat or morc of total amourt of stck. If not owned by i corpoiation. thc namer and addresses of thcindividlal owners_ musi bc givln. If -omcd by a hrm, company, or other unincorporatcd conccrn. its name and addrtss. as well as those of each individual mcmber. mdst bc qivcn.)

Thc Califomia Lumber Merchant (a corpoiation), 318 -Ccntrll Bldg., Los Argeles.

J, C. Dimne, 318 Ceatral BIdg.. Los Anrclcs.

J. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg,, Ias Anselcs.

W. T. Black, San Franciso, Califomia.

T. P. Wier, Ifouston, Texas,

Mrs. A, C. Merryman, Pasadma, Califomia

3. That thc known bondholders, mortgagccs, and othcr seflrity holdcrr owniag or holdins 1 pcr ccnt or more bf totil amount of bonds. mort. gages, or other sccuritics are: (If there are trorc. so statc.) Nont.

4. laat the two paragraphs next above, sivitrc the 'namci of thc omcrs, stockholders, and s€curity holders, if any, iontain not ootv the list of 3tockboldcrs and security holders as they appcar upoa thc books of-,thc company but also, in'cases wherc thj stoctholajr or rc"-o-rii" hofdcr -appcsrs uDgn.the boks of the mrpany as trustee or in dai, otner lduclary retation, the name of the person or corDoratioa for wb,om luch trustcc is acting, is given; al3o tbat the said two Daraqrlohs @ltain statemcntr embracing afiiaat's full knowledgc and bejief -8! - to thc-circumstances ard cmdilions uader which stock-holdiiJ i"l--ieJmii holders who do lot aplcar upon thc- bmks of thc company es trustccj, hold stock and scculitics hr a capacity other than thal oi a bons fidd owner; -and this affiant has no reison- to belicvc that any oincr- pcrco. associa-tion, or corporation has any intcrcst dirtct or inairi"i i"-tf,c-iiiri 8tock, bonds, or othcr sccuritics than as so statcd bv hirn.

.5. Tbat thc lvcragc numbcr of copies of cach issuc of this orbfi- cati6--rold-or- distributcd, through the mails or othcrwise, to-oaid aubscribcr8 during tbe twelvc months prcceding thc date showir abovi is (Thi3 infornation ia requircd from daily publietims odv,) swom to and subscribed u.io,. Jt ?tit.**lT#'"PHlff:,,0{;ff*'TSEAL] FREDA R. PAUISON. (My conrmissioa expircs Aug, ta, fl2.i

Wants To Exchange Millwork For Truck

We want to exchange sash, doors, frames and rnillwork for about a 3-ton truck.

Arrow Sash, Door & Mill Co. 11 North Angeleno Ave. Burbanlq Calif.

Position Wanted

Wide-awake, all-around man. Now manager of small yard in Southern California. Experienced salesman, estimator, credits, bookkeeper, all-around office man. Will accept subordinate position with oppor- tunity. Will go anywhere. Age 45, excellent healtlu Address Box C-835, California Lumber Merchant.


Position as assistant or yard manager. Wide experience and capable. For further information write to Box C- 841, California Lumber Merchant.


Experienced lumberwoman seeks position. Capable of taking full charge of office. Address Box C-g42, California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber Yards For Sale

We have a number of good yards in Southern California for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber yard Brokers, 8Ol Petroleunr Building, tos Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

Not Oldest Living Snark

Referring to the statement made in the report of the 49th Hoo-Hoo annual convention recently held at Chicago that Frank W. Trower is the oldest living past Snark, Mr. Trower points out that while he is the oldest Snark in point of seri'ice, which qualifies him for the post of Seer of the l{ouse of Ancients, there are five or six past Snarks who are older than he is. He was elected Snark before he was 36.

Los Angeles Visitor

Kenneth Smith, San Francisco, executive vice-president of the California Redwood Association, spent last week in Los Angeles on Association business.

Neiw Yard

Wm. M. Atkinson, Jr. has opened a at Randsburg. Head oftices of the firm tain.

retail lumber yard are at Red Moun-

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