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IT PAYS rO SELL Ihe exlrl"yec,rege" of


V YHYtakeachanceonthe ordinary when you can furnish C urti s Ar chile clur al W ood.uxnh?

Narare gives Redwood the inherent qualities which enable it to withstand exposure to earth, air and moisture

Palco Redwood has the accurate millmg, proper curing and careful grading that bring your customers back for more. It pays to sell the extra "yearage" of Redwood. It pays to buy Palco Redwood. The Palco Redwood representative will show you why.

Sponmrs ol tbc Dsrable Vods Institile

This outstanding line can be a real leader for you-a profitmaker, a prestige-builder. It is easily sold because people want the best. Yet Curti* Architeclural Woodumk is reasonable in cost. You can furnish it on most smallhomesand on all large ones.

Think 'n'hat your customer gets-thefinest in architectural design, cabinetwork beyond comparison, construction that is the best known to the industry. These superior features aren't found in ordinary woodwork. Even custom-made is no better.

YeL Curtis Archilectural Woodwork is STOCK woodwork. Mantels, entrances, china cabinets, doors and stairways are manufactured in quantity from the designs of prominent architects.

With both new residential and home remodeling markets ripe for this "good taste," why not get the complete Curtis story? See for yourself how the designs in the Curtis Architectural Woodwork line will fit your jobs. Write now for full information.

Redwood Headouarters

Clinton, Iowa

Tell us about Curtis Architectural Woodwork.

N ame.--...--.---.---

Aild.ress Ciry. .,

The Lumber Merchants Association of Northern Caiifornia will hold its annual convention at Hotel Del Monte. Del Monte, Calif., October 30, 31, and November 1, 1941. A fine business program has been arranged and the speakers are men of prominence.

All California dealers are invited to attend, and it is expected that there rvill be a representative attendance from all sections of the state.

Registration will be held in the hotel lobby Thursday morning, October 30. Dr. Frederic P. Woellner, professor and economics adviser at the University of California at Los Angeles, will be the speaker at Thursday's luncheon, his subject "Ten Certainties for l94l-42."

Thursday afternoon there will be a general business session of all members when there will be reports, resolutions, and election of a new board.

The Convention golf tournament will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 over the Del Monte course.

The men's stag party, highlighted with special entertainment, and a banquet for the ladies, will be held Thursday evening.

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