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Fruit Growers Supply Cornpany
Tees On Eastern Trip
J. M. Tees, of J. M. Tees, Inc., one of the }ivest wholesalers in San Francisco, has gone East on a business trip' He will journey as far as New York and Boston and expects to be away about six weeks.
For the first nine months of the present year San Jose experienced. a very satisfactory builcling development. Permits for new buildings aggregated. $1,552,225 in value-an increase of more than fOO per cent over the same period' ot 7927. At this rate the present year will exceed. the high record established in San Jose in 1920 when total building operations reached an aggregate in value of $L,800,000.
Muce Building In San Francisco
Approximately $25,000,000 worth of building is now und'er wap or about to be started in San Francisco, according to estimates just completecl by the San Francisco Forward Movement, which is directing the educational work to spread' the idea that "now is the time to buy and. to build." Never before, in the history of the city, has there been so much residence construction, and this activity is spreading to all other cities in the Bay district. Every element of the builtling industry has shared in the business revival that has attended. the movement.