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" The man who permits his neighbor constantly to hold the umbrella over him is no good in any industry. He is not a good citizen, " was his closing argument. IIe later submitted to a series of questions from the floor which brought out many important and instructive points.
Subsequent discussion developed many characteristic expressions from individual retailers. F. Dean Prescott of Fresno reviewed the somewhat uncertain course of the association formed a year ago and declared in favor of a strictly retailers'organization, yet not excluding retail yards owned by manufacturers or wholes4lers.
A. C. Bowers of Anaheim promised to get the " Orange county boys" together.
C. W. Pinherton of Whittier, who afterwards was elected president, wanted to let the rest of the crowd know what Southern California is doing to defeat the Housing bill, and showed specimens of the full-page advertisement prepared by the Lumbermen's Service Association of Los Angeles, now running in about 40 Southern California newspapers.
"Association work is my hobby," declared. Mr. Pinkerton, and "to be willing to do for the other fellow what you would expect him to do for You," is a good association creed..
Before adjournment for luncheon A. J. "Gus" Russell spoke briefly on the anti-shingle bill, declaring that if the lumbermen win this ffght it is "this bunch that is going to win it," meaning the lumbermen outside the big cities. The big cities are threatening to vote for the bill-against shingles-he said.
At the afternoon meeting A. I_.i. Porter, secretary of the Western Retail I:umbermen's Assoeiation, invited all California dealers to attend the annual meeting of that organization in Spokane, February 14,75,16 and 17. He reviewed, briefly, the history of that organization and extend.ed best wishes for success and prosperity to the new California association. J. C. Ferger of Fresno, who is president of the Western Association, joined with Mr. Porter in extend.ing the invitation to the Spokane convention.
In appealing for solid support of the California association, Mr. Ferger pointed to the standardization of sizes as one of.the numreous problems that can profitahly eugage the attention of the state body.
Charles G. Bird reported that everyone in Stockton is e^aggr t9 join; E. M. Tilden brought similar tidings from Oakland and the trans-bay district.
T. J. Rridegford declared the retailers in Sonoma county unanimously in favor of the association idea; ,,to deal honestly with your competitors" should be one of the maiu ob;er:ts, he said.
i\'. lVlcNeir of St. Helena said the Napa county folks u'ould join; -lt). T. Robie gave similar testimony for the upper Sacranrento valley; O. IL Miller said the sarre for the-c-ity of Sacramento.
Robert Inglis of Stockton referred to the legend of the seven sons and the seven sticks to illustrate the strength of rrnity.
"I am strong for it," said J. G. Martin of Fresno.Secretary Tennant then told of his experiences in traveling through the state and meeting the individual lumbermenl He found them unanimously in favor of the association.
R.-A. Iliscox spoke for "a little village in the,central part of the state-San Fbancisco. " He siid the retailers here were for it.
R. F. Hammatt, secretary of the Redwood Association, promised the hearty support of the redwood manufacturers.
Mr.-Ferger then read the constitution as prepared. by the committee and on his motion, seconded by R. 0. Deacon, it was adopted.
W. E. Landram of Merced read the report of the nominating committee and without debate the 2l nominees named by the committee were elected. directors.
The new board then got together and elected officers.
The convention was brought to a brilliant close Saturday night with a dinner, dance and entertainment in one of the ballrooms of the Whitcomb Hotel.
Here is the list of registrations:
Noah Adams, Noah Adamr Lumber Co., Oakland; E. R. Allen, The Timberman, Portland, Ore.; George H. Andereon, Alameda. W. F'. Baird, Madera Sugar Plne Co., Madera; W. C. Ball, J. R. Hanify Co., San Franclsco; L. E. Bancroft, Callf. Portland Cement Co., LosAngelee; J. R. Bertholf, C. & O. Lumber Co., S. F.; Wm. H. Besecker, Oakland Lumber Co., Oakland; Chas. G. Bird, Stockton and Slmpson-Gray Lumber Companies, Stockton; H. A. Browning, H. A. Browning Co., Los Angeles; A. C. Bowers, AdamsBowers Lumber Co., Anaheim; T. J. Bridgeford, Bridgeford Planing Mill, Sebastopol; Percy J. Brown, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., Eureka; B. E. Bryan, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland; G. A. Bryan, Shasta Lumber Co., Marysville; F. W. Burgess, Union Lumber Co., S. F.; C. R. Buchanan, Sunset Lumber Co., S. F.; G. C. Burnett, Burnett Lumber Co., Tulare; S. L. Butler, Union Lumber Co., S. F. Harry A. Cahalan, Cahalan Co., Burlingame; C. H, Chapman, C. H. Chapman Co., Santa Ana; Mrs. F. El. Conner, Sacramento Lumber Co., Sacramento; Fred E:. Conner, Sacramento Lumber Co,, Sacramento; Harry B. Corlett, Relnhart Lumber & Planing Mill Co., S. F. J. L. Dartt, California Portland Cement Co., L. A.; R. P. Davison, Ward Lumber Co., Oakdale; R, O. Deacon, Deacon Lumber Co., Fresno; G. R: DeVore, American Lumberman, S. F.; A. A. Dimmick, California & Oregon Lumber Co., S. F.; F. G. Duttle, Sterling Lumber Co,, S. F.; B, R. Duvall, Ripon Lumber Co., Ripon; Mrs. B. R. Duvall, Ripon Lumber Co., Ripon.
Jessle Eggleston,.Cal. Lumbermen'g Ass'n, S. F.
W. H. Falconbury, Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto; J. J. l-arley, Paciflc Lumber,Co., Fresno; J. C. Ferger, Swastika Lumber Co., Fresno; D. F. Fickltng, Fickling Lumber Co., Long Beach; El. L. Fifleld, Qerllnger-Anderson Lumber Co., S. F.; D. A. F'raser, Lodl Lumber Co., Lotli; George B. F'uller, Colombo-Fuller Lumber Co., Santa Rosa; II. S. Fuller, Fuller Lumber Co., Lodi, J. U. Gartln, Stanlslaus Lumber Co., Modesto; H. S. Gaines, Gibbs Lumber Co., Placentia; Roy R. GiU, Chas. R. McCordick Co., S. F.; L. A. Godard, Hendrickson Lumber Co., S. F..; Robt. S. Grant, California Door Co., S. F.; Clayton Greene, Vauejo Builders'Supply Co., ValleJo; C. H. Grifren,,C. H. Grifren Lumber Co., Artesia; H. M. Gunton, Santa Fe Lumber Co., S. F. E. IM. Haight, M. f'. Mitchell Co., Carlotta; R. F.. Hamilton, Pacific Lumber Co., S.,F.; P. C. Hansen, P. C. Hansen Co., Cen- terville; R. f,'. Hammatt, California Redwood Ass'n, S. F..; Lloyd Harris, Ilolmes-Eureka Lumber Co., S. X'.; James H. Harrison, unattached, Berkeley; Isaiah Hartman, Hartman & peery, Boul- der Creek; Chas. C. Ilavens, Havens-Holm Lumber Co., L. A.; Henry M. Hinck, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., S. F. F. V. Ilolmes, Holmeg-Eureka Lumber Co., S. I'.; L. A. Horton, Calit.- Portland Cement Co., Fresno; E. C. Hughes, peninsula Lumber Co., $. F.; Vere W, Hunter, unattached, S. F. Robt. Inglis, San Joaquin Lumber Co., Stockton; 'W. E. Innea, W. E. Innes Co., Eureka,
W. B. Jefrerson, GreaterCity Lumber Co., S. F.; A. B. Johnson, A. B. Johnson Lumber Co., S. F.; George A. Johnson, Benecia.
A. A. Kaulfman, MacArthur & Kaufman, S. F.; C. L. Kaufrman, MacArthur & Kaulfman, S. F.; H. C. Kofoid, H, C. Kofoltt Lumber Co., Caruthers; Mrs. H. C. Kofotd, Caruthers; J. 'Walter Kelly, Chas. R. Mccormick & Co., S. F.; S. O. Krantz, CALIFOR- NIA LUMBEIR MERCHANT, T,. A.
Jack Lahifi, Cornell'Wood Products Co., L. A.; W. E. Landram, trl. S. McBride, Davis Lumber Co,, Davls; Mrs. E. S. McBrtde, Davis; W. P. Mclntyre, Redwood Monufacturer, Fortuna; A. McNair, McKinnon-McNair Lumber Co., St, Helena; A. D. McKtnnon, McKlnnon Lumber Yard, Hollister; P. C, MoNevin, Paclflo Lumber Co., S. X',
Merced Lumber Co., Merced; H. G. Larrlck, Barr Lumber Co., Santa Ana; A. N. Lofgen, MacDonald & Harrlngton, S. F.; W. T[. Long, Hill & Morton, S. X'.
W. B. March, March Lumber Co., Klink; J. E, Martin, CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT, S. F.; J. G. Martln, Fre8tro Lumber Co., X'resno; O. H. Mlller, Knor Lumber Co., Sacramento;
C. W. Muller, Western States Lumber Co., S. F.; John P. Muller, J. R. Hanify Co., S. F.
J. R. Neylan, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., S. F.; B. A. Nlxon, Nixon Lumber Co., Lockeford; P. M. Norbryhn, Rlo Llntla.
R. R. Pattergon, C. & O. Lumber Co., Stockton; A. J. Pau, Pacifc Lumber Co., S. F.; W. B. Peery, Hartman & Peery, Boulder Creek; A. L. Porter, Western Retail Lumbermen'g Ass'n, Spokane, Wash.; F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno.
Ben W. Reed, Reed Lumber Co., S.3'.; I/. Rosenberg, Rosenberg Lumber Co., Fresno; S. P. Ross, Central Lumber Co., flan- ford; S. H. Rothermel, Central Lumber Co., Stockton; A. J. Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., S. F, tr'. L. Sayre, Sterling Lumber Co., S. F.; W. W, gchall, Caltf. Portland Cement Co., L. A.; H. F. Schroeder, Tynan Lumber Co., Paso Robles; Howard H" Scoville, J. R. Hanify Co., S. F.; C. Stowell Smith, Calif. White & Sugar Pine Mfrrs. Ass'n, S. F,; P. E. Sullivan, Sullivan & Larsen, Rio Vista.
El. D. Tennant, ,Calif. Lumbermen's Ass'n, S. F.; E. M. Tild€n, Tilden Lumber Co., Oakland; J. L. Todd, Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland; R. E). Tracy, Friend & Terry Lumber Co,, Sacramento; X'rank W. Trower, Trow'er Lumber Co., S, F..; James Tully, General Supply Co., Falroaks; Allan Turner, E. K. IMood Lumber Co., Oakland. & L, Vanoe, Calif. Portland Cement Co., L. A.; H. Fr. vinc€nt, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.. S. X'. __ L. H. Warnecke, National Mill & Lumber Co., S. F..; George 'Weir, Coos Bay Lumber Co., S. F..; R..F.. Wells, 'West'Turlock Lumber & Mill Co., Turlock; Earl E. 'White, Caltfornla Door Co., Folsom.; G. M. Whiteglde, Hobbs lMall & Co., S. F.; D. A. Iililltamson, X'erguson Lumber Co., Galt; R. O. Wilson, Fyfe-Wllson Lum-ber-Co., S. F.;, W. H. Woods, ,Coos Bay Lumber 0o., S. l,'.; 'W. C. Woodward, Cotati Lumber Co., Cotati.
Robert A. Long of Kansas City, head of all the I_:ong-Bell enterprises, accompanied by Mrs. Long, visited Catfomia for a few days late in October, coming d.own from portland.
Charles R. McCormick, president of Charles R. McCormick & Co., has gone to the Atlantic Coast on a busin6ss trip.
The Earl Hoffman Comapny, one of the best known wholesale concerns in Los Angeles, are now representing the Western States Lumber Company'in Southerri Californla.
A. A. Dimmick, manager of the California & Oregon Lum_ ber Company, has returned from a two weeks, tr-ip to the com_pany's mill at Brookings, Ore. He sayp that the mill is working to capa-city and that they are now working alternete weeks on fir and redwood.