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S. F. Salesmen Have One Live Wire Club
Although one of the youngest, one of the most active organizations among the lumber fraternity of the. Bay Pistrict. is the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco' The club'is made up of salesmen representing the retail yards of San tr'rancisc-o and is the only organization of its kincl in California. At the present time it has a membership of twenty-five.
At a luncheon of lumber salesmen on November 2, t921, which was called together by Ben Reed, secretary of the I-:umbermen's Associalion of San Francisco, the matter of organizing was d.iscussed and the following week offieers were ilectect and plans made for a permanent organizalion. Since that date t[e cltrb has met every Monday for luncheon at the Palace Hotel to d.iscuss local conditions in the lumber rnarket and whenever possible a prominent speaker is invited to address the club.
Socially the boys are very much alive and during the -past summer ieveral outings were had, which included a picnic at San Rafael, a trip io Paradise Cove, and a Sunday boat trip around the harbor.
During the winter the club is represented by a bowling team arrd. the lumbermen are still talking about the annual banquet held at Marquard.'s last April.
Tlie ofricers of the club are: Riehard C. Jones of the Yan Arsd.ale-Harris I.lumber Co., president; M. N. Salomon of the Acme Lumber Co., vice-president, and F. W' Elliott of Charles R. McCormick & Co., seeretary and treasurer
Members of the club are especially anxious to welcome retail lumber salesmen to attend. their club luncheons.
H. J. Bailey, sales manager of the Saginaw Timber Company of Aberdeen, Wash., arrived in San Francisco last iveek, not only to review the situation in connection with the outlawing of shingles and the possibility of its being a penal offense to use them in the future, but also to visit his otd-ti*e customers who have used Saginaw Special Stars for years. -
In company with Earl A. Carlson, the demon salesman for the Santa Fe Lrumber Co., Mr' Bailey took an autonobile trip through the San Joaquin Valley,^but went from Bakersffeid to I-ros Angeles by train. The Santa Fe Irumber Company has represinted the Saginaw Timber Company in California for the last seven Years.
Orange County To Iiave District
A separate Hoo-Hoo district has been created in Orange county, as the membership is growing. A' C. Bowers of the Adams-Bowers Lumber Company, probably will be vice' gerent for the district. A concatenation soon will be held'
Butldtng Perltts Take Jump
Incomplete figures on the volume and value of builcling permits issued in the city of Los Angeles for the month of bctober show a valuation of approximately $12,000,000. For' lhe first 21 days of the month the valuation was in excess of $8,500,000, and the rest of the month has been continuing that record
The lumber industry of America lost one of its noblest characters last Tuesday, October 24, when James R. Moorehead, the veteran secretarY of the Southwestern l:umbermen's Association, passed away sud.denly at his home in Kansas City.
"Jim" Moorehead was d.ean of all the retail lumber secretaries of the country and had an acquaintanceship and. a friendship amo4g lumbermen as wide as the nation itself. Every lumberman of consequence knew "Jim" Moorehead, and loved him. The great r.
R. Mo.REHEAD ffiT'"llll S:"-li:t"?iil"1ff fi*:l:
ful and most successful in the country and it grew that-wey i;;"1; Tu"ooeh his wonderful executive taleuts and his faiintut and untiring devotion to its cause' --d;id an oltl time ietail lumberman himself, and the 9wn9r ota "ri-U.r of retail yards everr at the -time of his death' ne u"ae"stood the retailers' problems and made his-orgaqi,uti* .."". them wonderfully well' Of him it can be truly .uia,-"ni" place will be haicl to fiII." His place in the trearts of his nurnerous friends cannot be filled'
Expobt Associatioit Has Eeabinc
The case of the Federal Trade Commission against the nougtas Fir Exploitation and -E-xport Company. was-opened at S"an Francisdo last week. The commission is seeking to show that the eompany has enjoyed a monopoly of.the fir iumne" export busiiesJ during several years of its existeqee, that it seets to establish and maintain prices and control the export trade not only of the Unitetl States but of Canada' Th^e company contends that it is organized under provisions of the 'Webb act and that its activities have not been con' trary to law.
At a joint meeting of the I-rumber Salesnen's Club of San Francisco and the Liumbermen's Association of San Fran' cisco. held at the Palace Eotel on October 12, Arthur Joel of the Civic l-.league spoke on the Southern Pacific Merger. Ben B. Reecl anct Richarcl C' Jones presided at the meeting.
O. L. Russum, representative of Charles R. McCormick & Co.. in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys, spent -sev' erai days recently at the company ofrice in San Fhanciseo. Mr. Ruisum was formerly connected with the McOormick yard.s at San Diego, but about six months ago took over the valley territories with Stockton as his headquarters.
The tialifornia Cedar Products Co. of Stockton were exhibitors at the California Industries Exposition showing thcir Plaster 'WaIl Board which is trade-marked "Duro." Duro Board is made of rvater-proof paper with a center of which the basis is fibered gypsum plaster combined with other materials und.er their own formula.. It is suitable for interior or exterior use and can be papered, tinted. or paintecl. Duro Board is manufactured at Stockton, Calif.
Let merchants compete with each other in giving servicer and the price'cutter will soon be left so lar behind that he will immediately become an unknown quantity.