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L. A. District Dealers Form Club
Organization of the "Los Angeles District l:umbermen's Club" has just been perfected by a group of about 60 retail lumber dealers operating in Los Angeles and immediate vicinity.
_ Meetings are held every Thursday at noon at the City Club. Informal speaking, by persons with real messages to deliver, generally preced.es the business session.
The following officers have been elected to serve until January 1:
President-W. E. Woods, Woods-Beekman Lumber Cc., Beverly Hills.
First Vice-President-Orville Routt. Pioneer Lumber Co.. Ilollywood.
Second Vice-President-.F. L. Fox, Fox-Woodsum Lumber Co., Glendale.
Third Vice-President-A. M. Tate, Tate Lumber Co.. Huntington Park.
Secretary-Tlss5ursr-Il. G. Betts, Montgomery Lumber Co., Culver City.
The Executive Committee includes the foregoing, as well as the following: J. C. Owens, Owens-Parks Lumber Co., 1-.,69 Angeles; D. Woodhead, Woodhead Lumber Co., I_.,os Angeles; A. J. Stoner, Sawtelle Lumber Co., Sawtelle; E. F. Ifeiser, Independent Lumber Co., Glendale.
The objects of the elub are largely social, but include also, according to the constitution, " exchange of information regarding accounting as recommended by the department of state, knowledge of costs and. sound ethical practices for the betterment of the industry and the public. "
The territory embraced extends from the coast along the eastern slope of the Santa Monica mountains to San Fernando road; north from there taking in the "BurbankGlendale district" to La Crescenta; from there in an easterly direction to, but not including, Pasadena; south from there to and including Alhambra; and south from Alhambra to Montebello, Downey and Compton; from there in a westerly direction to the coast and including Redondo. This jurisdiction may be extended when, in the judgment of the executive committee, it is advisable-this includes San Gabriel and Arcad.ia.
A number of sub-districts have been formed, each'with a vice-president of the club in charge, as follows:
Sawtelle, Bay District, Culver City, Beverly Hilts. A. J. Stoner, Sawtelle Lumber Co.
Glendale, Burbank, Eagle Rock. Mr. Fox, Fox-Woodsum I-:umber Co.
BeII, Iluntington Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel. W. C. Schull, J. & W. C. Schull Lumber Co.
Hollywood, Sherman. Orville Routt, Pioneer I-rumber Co., Hollywood.
Ilunter's 'Wharf on the Oakland waterfront has been purchased by Hogan Lumber and Mill Company of Oakland and will be used in the future development of that concern's lumbering interests. The wharf is on the Alamed.a side of the estuary opposite the Hogan I"iumber & MilI Company's mill at the foot of Harrison street. In acldition to the wharf, which is 350 feet long, the company has bought one and a half acres of land in Alameda acljoining the wharf property. The company is preparing to bulkhead the wharf and fill in beyond it. The mill property then will be firrther developed. there.
George W.'Wood, of Wood Brothers, Santa Cruz retailers, one of the livest lumber merchandising concerns in the state. has started on a business trip to Texas. He will stop at Phoenix and other points along the way.
This space is at your service for want and for sale advertising. Advertisements for help, for employment or for sale can be run in reading form. The rate on this advertising will be $2.50 per column inch.
Office Man Utanted
Young man with lumber office experience for Los Angeles yard. One who can operate typewriter and take orders over telephone. Quick advancement for right young man. In replying give full particulars in own handwriting. Address No. 82W, care CAT,IFORNIA ITUMBEIi MERCHANT.
Ilave executive ability; 40 years old; 20 years in retail lumber; in So. Cal. 10 years, line yard manager; thoroughly familiar with all details connected with retail yard. Living in own home in L. A. and do not want to leave city. Addresi LLA, iare CAIJIFORNIA IJUMBER, MEB,CHANT.
A creative, thought-provoking, home building advertisement for lumber dealers.