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Thousands of visitors from every part of the world have admired these artistical[y carted doors which grace the main entrarlce of the State of California Building in Balboa Park, San Diego. They were built in l9l4 for the Panama-California Exposition and have been in conrinuous use, without repair, ever since. When photographed recently for this illustration they were still in perfect condition. The doors and transoms 6nish 4" thick. They are of 3-ply construction, the exterior face being li" PhiLippine, the core 2r-" Sugar Pine, the interior face li /' Douglas Fir. Right hand door i s equipped with a skilfuily executed insert door. Built by Weldon & Glasson Planing Mill, San Diego, California (now W. J. Glasson Planing Mill). Architects:
Cran, Goodhue & Ferguson, New York City; Superintending Architect, Carleton Monroe \7inslow, Los