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M. I. C. Annual
The annual meeting of the Millwork Institute of California will be held at the Hotel Oakland, Oakland, California, on Friday, November 22. A comprehensive program of new activities will be presented and there will be an exposition and discussion of the changes made in the revised edition of the Standard Sash and Door Schedule (No. 129), also there will be a review of the Accredited Standards.
The Board of Directors will meet in an all-dav session on Thursday, November 2I, the day preceding thi general
Paul Penberthy Returns From Southern Trip
meeting. The election of directors for the ensuing year will be held at the general meeting on Friday.
The Oakland members have appointed the following committees to make the necessary arrang'ements for the meeting: Bill Lannon, General Chairman; Hotel Arrangements, Nat Edwards and Mngy Hollested; Decorations, Irving Gilbert and Verne Graham; Entertainment, Clem .Fraser and Hal Atkinson.
There will be an informal stag dinner on Friday evening at 7 p.m. o
Kenneth Walker Visits Los Angeles
Kenneth R. Walker of the Red River Lumber Company, Westwood, California, recently spent several days in Los Angeles on business and pleasure.
visited the hardwood Memphis, Tenn., and the hardwood trade. the trip.
Paul Penberthy, sales manager, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a five *eeks' business trip through the South where he mills. His trip also included stops at New Orleans, La., where he called on Mrs. Penberthy accompanied him on
Valley Lumber Co. of Lodi have just completed repainting their entire plant.