6 minute read
Abbeys Reglster and Year Book
Wcrtern Lunber lndurtry 1929 Edttlon Now Ready
A nbute ard ucmtc luidc to etr bnnchee of thc Lunbc tndutry ot Wuhlnlto' Ongo, Cilifmia, Id-l'q,r Motrna, Colmdo, Ncveda, Arlzua, N-w- Mcdco, Sggrh De&otl Utrh, lVyolnc, Alarlr, Brtthh Cotrinbi., tb PbtEpplea and Hawall.
_In pq'me! infmito glv6 hcludee Pr.ddGDt, Mugr, Supcrb- tadcnt, SaI6 M'-.gcr, hrchr,CrS Ag.nt and Merter'Mcchuic.- A-Co- pletc-list ot Ci4frEry ard Gquipnent, dally capactty, cpccler of wood swed, c$r embls the Sellr to thc Induitry to slct Salar Prccpccts and Lmber Buyar to phe onderr ud lnquirla- tntcltigcntty.
__.-.Ow_f0,a00 llstinga ln the book wtlcl lnctudc: Saw, Phrhg ed Slbsb Mlib, Woodwclerl__Log_ging Operatimr; Box, Vcneer, pulp.-papcr, Dir, !_a!h,_ CTE Arna, Hr-llg3 ald Frmltrm Muufuture, f,iachLc-Shopq Hotcta Fordfnr !rc,^Gorat Storer, ud esnniraa.ter oecntca ii T+lF .rd.mr._; Canty Cmnbcimcr ln Calfmh, Oregm, Warhi4tod, Idabo, ald r list oa Euten Lumbc Burrcra
Ordc thlr nlul'le refergggg book-today. *Vo d the 6r.m b the prc- vloc editio clihl--t d and 3ti7o new fimr -added.-
5l0_.5r6*.7Ye Pasct Pricc S750
Publirbcd by
The lnductrtal Servlce Go.
Sherlock Bldg., Portlend, Ore.
Hoo year was held by the Commercial Club, 17. President Harry the Los V.
E. D. Tennant, who attended the Hoo Hoo annual convention at Amarillo, Texas, last month gave an interesting talk on matters discussed at the annual meeting. president lfanson appointed the following to act as i nominating committee; Jack Thomas, chairman; W. B. Wickersham, E. D. Tennant and Ed. Martin. The annual election of officers.will be held at the next monthly meeting.
Mrs. Elizabeth Simpkin
Mrs. Elizabeth Simpkin, wife of Parson Simpkin, Hoo Hoo chaplain, died at their home in Dayton, Oregbn, on October 10 after an extended illness. Burial was in- Salt Lake City on October 14. Messages of sympathy from lumbermen all over the country were received:at Dayton and Salt Lake City.
Attends Hardwood Meeting
-Frank Connolly, Lo_s Angeles, assistant secretary of the Western }trardwood Lumber Co., attended a hirdwood Ireetin_g at San Francisco on October 25. dlthough Mr. 9onnolly sprained his ankle just a few days beforJ when he collided rvith a horse at their Los Angeles plant, he was able to make the trip. He also attended the Sbuthern Cali_ fornia-Stanford football game on October 26.
S.rNTRON uoTonLEss
t'Ooly the Piston movestt uGCGrrc ltrlllr, Alt glzer
/, to 2-inch Drilling iap.city.
Veights l0 to 20lbs.
Priced at t10O and up.
Portable Gr{nderr and Bench Ty?ct
Gmcrcte Surfacem
Strand Fledble thelts and Equlpncnc
Electrlc lland Cawr
Sandcrc . Po[rherc . Bullem
If a job caa be done with an electric tool-ne have it
(Thc Clearing Houn)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't'Wants" is fon
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy
The Fellow Who Wants to Sell
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: t2.s0 pct cotumn dnch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Live Texas retail lumberman wants position in West.
Ten Srears'experience as manager and assistant. Have good references. Married and dependable. Want place where ability will be rewarded. Address Box C-279, California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced lumber estimator and salesman wants employment. Have managed line yard and held important position in large city retail yard. Will work 30 days at your price, gratis if you say, to prove my worth-then if satisfactorv at a moderate salary. Address California Lumber Mercliant. Box C-280.
, Experienced lumber bookkeeper and accountant open for a position. Familiar with all office details. Address Box C-285, care California Lumber Merchant.
STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMElfT, CIRCULATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY TIIE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST U, 1912, Of Thc California Lumber Mcrchant. publishcd Scmi-monthly et Lor Angeles, Califomia, for October lst, 1929.State of Calilornra I 6ii''i'ti'ot-iii'irigeles. I ""'

Bclorc ne, e Not.ry Public in and for the 9tate and county rforcsaid, pcrsmally appcarcd J. E, Martin, who, having been duly 1ryom according to law, degoser and rayr thet he ie thc IvlanaginS Editor of Thc Califomia Lumber Mcrchant. and that the follo$ina is. to the best of his knowlcdge and belief, i true statement of the ownership, management (and if a daily paper, thc circulation), ctc., of thc sforc. aaid publication for thc date shown in the above caption' required by thl Act of Augllt A, 1912, cobodied in ccction 411, Postal Iiws and Rcculationr. orintcd on the revcrre of this form. to wit: l. fhat thc'nimes and addrerscs of thc oublisher. editor. maaaging cditor. and busincss manasers arc: Publirhcri J. C. Dionne, 318 Ccntral Bldg., Iar Angclcs; Editoi, J. C. Dionnc,3l8-Central Bldg., Los Aageles; Managing Editor, J. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., Ios Angeles; Business Managcrs, None,
2, Thrt thi owncr ir: (If owncd by e corporation, its namc and addreaa murt be statcd and also immCdiately thereunder thc namcs end sddreseeg of stocLholdcrg owning or holding one pcr ccnt or morc of totel amount of stock, If not owncd by a corporation, thc aamee aad addrerscs of thc individual ownerg muit bc given. If owncd by a 6rm, company, or other unincorporated concertr, itr name and address, as well as those of cach individual member, must he given.)
J. C. Dionne, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.
3. That thc knowa boadholderr, mortgegeeE, and othcr rccurity holders owning or holding I pcr cent or morc -of total amount of bondr. mortgagca, or othcr rccurities are: (If therc are none, so statc,) None.
4. That thc two Darasraoh: next abovc. civinr thc namcc of thc owncrs, rtockholderr,- and- sicurity holdcrs,- il ani, contain not only thc lict of rtockholderr and cccurity holders as they aopcar uoon the books of the comDary but algo. i'n caaer whcrc ihe - itockhdldcr or sccgrity holdcr appcair upon thc books of thc company ar trustcc or in any other fiduciary relation, the nemc of thc pcrron or corlofa. tio! for whom auch trostec i! acting, is givcn; alao that thc raid two paragraphr contain statcmcntr cmbrCcing affiant'c full Lnowlcdgc ead belie{ as to the circumstanccs end. conditionr undcr which rtockholdcn and sccurity holdcrs who do not appear upon thc bookr of thc company a! trustcc!. hold rtocl and cecurities in a caoacity other than that ol e bona 6de oiner; and thia afiiant has no reasoh to'believe that any other oeraon. association. or corDorstion has anv interest direct or indirect in ihc said atock. bodds. or 6thcr securities-than as so stated bv him.
5. That thc avcrigc nunber of copies of each irsuc of thig publi. cation sold or distributed, through thc mails or othcrwise. to paid subacribcrr during thc cix monthi preceding thc dete shown abovi ir (fhis iaformatior is rcquircd from daily publicetione oaly.) swom to and subscribcd berorc me lif't;tftlllyi S"?ffif*t#]t"
TSEAL] FREDA R. PAULSON. (lfy commirrion crpire Aug, f8, 1930,)
Young man 27, experienced estimator and salesman with knowledge of bookkeeping and office work, wishes position with retail concern. Box C-282 California Lumber Merchant,
Wholesale Salesman Wants Position
Salesman with over ten years' experience selling Douglas Fir, Redwood, White and Sugar Pine in California, wants position. Familiar with the mill end of the busi ness. Knows the California trade, having had experience in both Northern and Southern California. Address Box C-81. Care California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted-Experienced young retail salesman. Prefer one who speaks Spanish. Give complete experience and references first letter. Address Box C-284. care California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced lumberman wants position with retail or wholesale lumber company. Familiar with all branches of the lumber business-both softwoods and hardwoods. Has had experience in manufacturing, inspecting, estimating, and selling-both wholesale and retail. Address Box C-286 care California Lumber Merchant.
MAURTCE JofSS f,ilI8rilP, BURt vlsrr
Maurice Jones and Sid Burt of the Jones Lumber Company, Portland, Oregon, were recent Los Angeles visitors,
The Building And Loan Movement In California Shows Rapid Growth
"The building and loan movement in California has grown to such proportions that it has established a niche. of its own in the financial world. Begun in 1875, it was not until 1920 that it was very widely recognized. Today these institutions take first place in the encouragement of homeownership and in teaching the value of consistent saving," according to J. M" Abbott, President of the California Building-Loan League.
"California is one of the most rapidly growing building and loan states in the nation. This state has doubled iti asset-s every two and one-half years, while the country as a whole has doubled its assets everv four and one-half years. The average size of associations in California is $1,830,000, as compared with an average of less than $600,000 for the United States.