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T. S. Walker Appointed Resi- 'W. F. Baird With The Madera dent Manager of Westwood Operations
The Red River Lumber Co. has announced the appointment of Theodore S. Walker as resident manager of their mill operations at Westwood, California, succeeding his father, Fletcher L. Walker. "Ted" Walker has been connected with the company in an executive capacity since his graduation from Stanford University in 1924. lle was born in Minneapolis, Minn., in 1901, he came to Westwood with his parents in 1913 when the construction of the plant was started. Fletcher L. Walker, vice president and treasurer of the Red River Lumber Co., will continue to' make his home in Westwood and will remain active in the affairs of the company.
Causes of Material Dealers' Losses Surveyed
A recent survey UJ' ttre Building Material Dealers' Credit Association of Los Angeles is reported to have brought replies from 85 member firms in different building material lines as to the reasons assigned for losses incurred during 1928, according to the September 16 issue of Domestic Commerce. The findings of the survey have been summarized as follorvs:
Sugar Pine Co.
W. F. Baird, until recently general sales manager of the Sugar Pine Lumber Co. at Pinedale, Calif., is now connected with the sales department of the Madera Sugar Pine Co. with headquarters in their San Francisco office. Mr. Baird has been associated with the pine industry in California for many years. The mill operations of the Madera Sugar Pine Co. are located at Madera, Calif.
New Lo$ Sawing System Will Increase Lumber Resources
"The bulk of 1,500,000 feet of lumber imported annually into the United States could be supplied from our own resources," says Axel T. Oxholm, director of the National Committee on Wood Utilization of the Department of Commerce, "if the new system of cutting lum6er introduced by our committee were more universally employed here."
This opinion was voiced by Mr. Oxholm in an address at the annual meeting of the wood industries section of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, held in Rockford, Illinois, today. The speaker outlined the results of tests of the new system of sarvmilling just completed by the National Committee on Wood Utilization, as a result of which small logs heretofore left on the ground in the woods, may be converted into lumber at a profit.
This system was introduced as a result of investigations made by Mr. Oxholm as a representative of the Department of Commetce, of practices followed by North European mills. The tests of the system were made in a specially constructed mill on the Pacific Coast, and were sponsored by a subcommittee of leading lumber manufacturers, headed by A. Trieschmann, a prclminent lumber manufacturer of Chicago.
"The universal adoption of this new system of sawing logs," said Mr. Oxholm, "will not only increase the value of timber grown in this country, but will also lower the cost of finished products made from wood to the consumer."
Reasons not known
Losses aggregating 1 per cent or more of gross sales were reported t>y 27 firms, 7 of whom reported I per cent; 12 between I andZ per cent;3 between 2 and 3 per cent; and 5 between 3 and 5 per cent. Only 4 firms reported no losses incurred during the year. No report of total percentages of loss was made by 10 firms, and 44 reported less than 1 per cent. The variation among' firms in the same line is indicated by one firm reporting a business of $265,000 with no knolvn losses, while losses totaling 5 per cent of sales were reported by another firm in the same kind of business.
Organized by Herbert Hoover, who as secretary of commerce was its first chairman, the National Committee on Wood Utilization has for its object the elimination of waste in wood by promoting better wood-using practices. Secretary of Commerce R. P. Lamont is the present chairman of the committee.
Attend Football Game At Palo Alto
Leo and Herman Rosenberg, Hipolito Company, Los Angeles, accompanied by their wives, attended the Southern California-Stanford football game at Palo Alto on Octoher 26.