1 minute read

We Are Olterlng

To the Dealer at Vholesale Prices



Red FirUppers


Sash & Doors

Trim the former an accordion PlaYer and of unusual talent, entertained with

'S(/e specialize in sup' plying out of town yards, and can give overnight delivery.

May we quote you on youf next tequirements?

E. A. Ferris Elected President! \(/estwood Hoo Hoo Club

E. A. Ferris has been elected president of the Westwoo4, Calif., iloo Hoo Club for the coming.year'.succeeding W' i. Morrison. R. H. Conly was elected president,-and Jack Shere re-elected secretaiy-treasurer. All the officers are connected with The Red River Lumber Co' The club pla-ns an active year and many activities are now under way for the coming Hoo Hoo Year.

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