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The Los Cabin of Pioneer Days
The log cabin of the days of '49, modernized with all the latest conveniences, has again made its appearance in California, according to Isaiah Hartman, of Hartman & Peery, Boulder Creek, Calif. Set in the clearings of the redwoods of Santa Cruz mountains, these bark covered cabins have been made of green redwood logs treated to destroy all insect life.
One of these cabins has been fitted up like a hunting cabin of pioneer days. A large fireplace extending to the rafters with built-in bookcases on each side is at one end of the living room. An elk head hangs over the fireplace and specimens of deer heads have been placed above the doors leading to the bedrooms, hall and bath. Fur rugs with the heads of mountain lions, timber wolves and bob cats cover the floor. The logs forming the exterior and interior walls have been mortised in so that a smooth weatherproof finish is obtained. Furnishings, including tables, benches, chairs, and even the floor and table lamps, have been made by hand from bark covered logs. Equipped with built-in closets, medicine cabinets and shower baths, it has all the comforts of the city home.
John Olson, Los Angeles, manager o-f the Southern Califoinia and Arizona operations of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., was a recent Northern California visitor where he spent a few days in the company's San Francisco office.
Back From Northwest Trip
E. C. Hallinan, representative of the Posey Manufacturing Co., Hoquiam, Wash., returned October 19 to his San Francisco headquarters from a business trip to the Northwest that included visits to Portland, Grays Harbor, Ta'coma, Seattle, Everett and Bellingham.
Timber Conservation Board to Make Naval Stores Study
Washington, D.C., October 12.-The United States Timber Conservation Board, recently organized under the chairmanship of the Secretary of Commerce to survey underlying economic factors affecting the nation's forest industries and to recommend a cooperative program between industry and government for the amelioration of conditions, will undertake.a study of the naval stores industry in the ,course of its work, Ripley Bowman, Secretarv of the board, announced today.
Tentative pldns for launching the study were considered at an informal meeting' between repr.esentatives of the forest conservation movement and government officials at the Department of Commerce last week. As the result of a general belief that the study is needed'and that it should be undertaken with the naval stores industry cooperating as a unit with the Timber Conservation Board, -Carl F-. Speh, of Jacksonville, Florida. Secretary of the Pine Institute of America, is now in Washington for a discussion of the detailed aspects of the plan.
In commenting on the proposed program, Mr. Bowman said that naval stores is an important unit of the nation's forest industries. "The Timb"f Conser'uation Board naturally is concerned with making a complete study of the economic phases bearing upon its present welfare and future prosperity. This same program is being followed in other branches of the forest industries. In order to be comprehensive the board's Naval Stores study must have the full cooperation of the industry. It is hoped that such an arrang'ement can be completed with Mr. Speh."
Those present at last week's conference were: Dr. Austin Cary, U. S. Forest Servi,ce; Franklin Reed, Secretary, Society of American Foresters; Thomas Gill, American Tree Association; C. H. Collingwood, American Forestry Association; Axel H. Oxholm, National Committee on Wood Utilization of the Department of Commerce; Dr. E. B. Veitch, Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture; E. D. Demmon, U. S. Forlst Service; C. C. Concannon and E. C. Wood, Chemical Division, Department of Commerce.
Mr. Oxholm and Mr. Gill are members of the Advisorv Committee of the Timber Conservation Board.
The Valley Lumber Co., Lodi, Calif., has remodeled their office 'and are arranging for an attractive display room. They have also added a complete line of building hardware supplies.