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1126 Wert 45th Street

Los Angelee

Phone: VErmont 3102

"Only'the Piston ttloves"'

Y, to 2-inch Drilling Capacity

Veights 10 to 20 lbs.

Priced at tl0O and up.

.Etcctrfc Drlllc, Att Slzcr

Portoble Grlnderr and Bench T;pet

Goncrete Surtacerr

Strand Flexlble thaltc and Equlprncrrt

Electrtc lland Sawr

Sanders . Pollshers . Bulters

If a job can be done with an electric 1661-vg have it.

(The Clcaring Hourc)

This Column of "Wants" and 63Don't Wants" is fon

The Fellow Who Wants to Buv

The Fellow Who Wanti to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire

Rate: 82.50 per column inch The Fellow Who Wants

to Be Hired


For Sale

Planing Mill Machinery for sale. All modcrn, new ! ]rears ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.


Lumber buyer-years of experience in Washington and Oregon-knows the mills, grades, etc. Open for position anywhere. References. Address Box C-4O9, California Lumber Merchant.

Capable Lumberman

Experienced manager of retail yard, age 32, wants position. Last three years managing for chain yard concern. Also interested in wholesale selling. Address Box C-414, care California Lumber Merchant.

Married Man Desires Employment

Several years' experience Los Angeles lumber industry. Credit, Collections, Books, Properiies. Have auto. Honest, reliable and hard worker. Good references; will appreciate an interview. Address Box C-416, California Lumber Merchant.

Wholesale selling connection wanted by salesman, age 30, with ten years' selling experience all Western lumber products. Familiar with both Northern and Southern California retail trade, and will accept positiop in either territory. Highest references. Forrest W. Wilson, 43O Adams St.. Oakland, Calif. Phone Glencourt 9862.

Bookkeeping At Lowest Expense To You

Why not save yourself the Worry and Energy of doing your own Bookwork by having a thoroughly experienc€d Lumberman call in once or more each month and give you accurate information and keep your books in balancePosting, Financial Statements, etc., at a very nominal fee. Phone LAfayette 8241, or address Box C-4I2, California Lumber Merchant.

Bookkeeper Wanted

Wanted: Experienced Burroughs Machine Bookkeepcr for a retail lumber yard in Northern California, town of 3000 people. Steady employment. Answer to this magazine if you qualify. Box C-415, California Lumber Merchant.


Wanted-A good lumber yard in exchange for 6rst class Long Beach real estate. P.O. Box 36, Sierra Madre, California.


The office of the California Lumber Merchant is constantly receiving applicatigns, from both men and women, desiring work with lumbir concer;. - Mct of these have had previous lumber e:rperience.

.Wltg. you qre in ne_ed of help of any kind, either office or yard, why not get ttre hab_it of calling us first and gtving ur an opporhmityto bi of ie"vite to iou as well aB to those n_eeding employment? Thirl is no ch"rgu with tftis service, to employer or employee.

with justifiable pride to his new oak I floors he sees only their finished beauty.

But behind the home-building r."l._ be both good workmanship in laying the Vt floor and oak flooring of unquestionable integ- always by its trade-mark, is profitable alike to the dealer, the builder and the owner, for it sells and

Efectioe dealer selling aids in oar seroice incl*de literatarc in color, slides and dealer cats' n We u,ould liAe for yoa to see for yotrself bou useful tbey uoald be to you-jast urite for tben, dL L'NG-B ELL LUMBER 'ALES coRpoRATroN


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