4 minute read
John C. Light Chairman o[ Better California Redwood on Air With Housing Program for Gila County Home Modernization Program
John C. Light, Light's Lumber Co., Miami, Arizona, has been appointed Chairman of the Better Housing Program for Gila County, Arizona. A two-page spread recently appeared in the Arizona Record carrying information and details on how the Government can assist home owners to modernize, repair and recondition their homes ; reprints of the spread were distributed to every home in the GlobeMiami District which was made possible by the business firm's aclvertising on these pages.
In an "Appreciation" directed to the citizens of the Globe-Miami citizens, and especially'to those who assisted in bringing before.the people the Better Housing Program, X'Ir. Light says: "To my mind the Home Owners Loan Corporation, the Reconditioning Program, and the Better Housing Program is one of the greatest things that the national Legislature has done to bring about National Recovery."
The California Redwood Association is on the air over KGO every Tuesday evening at 7 :30 with a home modernizing program. A series of short announcements intended to stimulate the public's interest in modernizing and horne l>uilding'are interspersed with the musical numbers of each program.
The California Redwood program directly follows the NBC sustaining program which consists of a half hour of entertainment and boosting for the building industry.
In each weekly program a member of the State Association of California Architects will discuss the value of architectural design, and the advantages of consulting an architect. These discussions were inaugurated by William I. Garren, president of this associatiod, on the first program of the series, Tuesday, October 23.
A feature of the first program was the singing of Nlildred Bush Farley, soprano, of Oaklancl.
San Francisco Housing Drive Housing Con[erence Held in L. A.
Pledges for the improvement of homes and other buildings signed up to f)ctober 26 tn connection with San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Better Housing program totaled ff2807,691. Pledges numbered 2369.
The objective set by the committee in charge of the program for San Francisco is $7,0@,000.
M. A. "Matt" Harris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lunrber Co., San Francisco, and F. L. Dettmann, Allen & Dettmann of the finance making a com-
Luml>er Co.. San Iirancisco. are meml)ers committee of the Better Housing program. A large force of SERA fielcl workers is plete house-to-house canvass of the city.
Herb Klass Wins Golf Cup
Herb Klass, general sales manager of The Pacific ber Company, San Francisco, was the winner of the Holmes golf cup in the tournment held at San Jose, ber 27, following the joint meeting of the Redu'oocl tions Committee and the Lumber Committee of the fornia Retail Lumbermen's Association. held there previous day.
A regional housing conference attended b1. over 1500 business ancl building trades executives rvas held at the Anrbassador Hotel, Los Angeles, Friday, October 26. Features of Title 11 of the National Housing Act rvhich will go into effect soon uncler which the Government will insure loans macle by private financial institutions up to $l6,0OO on single clrvellings, cluplexes, four-farnily flats and combination business and drvelling structttres rvere explained by F. W. Marlow, district director of the Federal Housing Administration in Southern California. Mr. Marlow said they hoped to have the regulations for this program in Los Angeles by November 1 and have the plan actually under way in sixty days.
H. R. Northrup, industries adviser of the FHA at Washington addressecl the conference. H. S. MacKay, cl-rairman of the Los Angeles Better Housing Program Commit- tee, presided at the meeting. Although the Los Angeles campaign has not yet opened, Mr. MacKay said that mod- ernization under the Better Housing Act has caused $3,-
500,000 to be spent in Los Angeles already. Cali- NE\V YARD AT the A nerv yard has been opened on the outskirts of Sonoma by the Sonoma Mill & Lumber Co.
Pilgrimage to Lumber Shrine
A group of 25 lumbermen, their families ancl friends, helcl their fourth annual re-union and pi,cnic at Calaveras State Park on Sunday, October 7, to honor the memory of the late "Parson" Peter Al Simpkin, Supreme Chaplain of HooHoo.
President Chas. G. Bird of the "Parson" Simpkin Memorial Association, opened the informal program, held at the magnificent Sequoyah Gigantea dedicated to the memory of the "Parson", by reading greetings from George M. Cornwall, Chas. D. LeMaster, Dr. John Simpkin, Marshfield, Ore., and Fred E. Conner, Nevada City.
Frank W. Trower acted as program chairman for the day.
E. S, McBride of Davis, read extracts from a letter of the "Parson's", which gave a good insight into his Hoo Hoo activities.
Anna Marie Simpkin, grancidaughter of the "Parson", read a short article about Chief Sequoyah, after whom the giant species of the California forest was named.
Betty B. Trower read a humorous story-one of NIr. Simpkin's favorites-about Wm. E. Gladstone.
Prof. Emanuel Fritz, of the department of forestry, University of California, told of meeting a great grandson of Sequoyah some years ago, and then introduced the speaker of the day, Rodney S. Ellsworth, an authority on the Sierra region of _California.
Nlr. Ellsworth told the story of the discovery of the Calaveras Grove of Big Trees, the first such grove known to modern man.
Gordon Pierce, vice president of Hoo Hoo Ciub No. 39 read extracts from a letter from Roy Felt, Salt Lake City, where the "Parson" spent 20 years as pastor of Phillips Congregational Church.
B. J. Boorman, brought the program to a close with an inspiring tribute to "Parson" Simpkin's useful 1ife.
Joseph W. Simpkin, one of Mr. Simpkin's two sons, who with his family has recently moved to Oakland, expressed his thanks to the group.
Chas. D. LeMaster of Sacramento was elected president of the Parson Simpkin Memorial Association for 1935.
Geo. A. Ulett, manager of Smith Wood Products Co., Coquille, Ore., was a recent business visitor to San Francisco. This company specializes in the manufacture of Port Orford Cedar, and is represented in Northern California by James L. Hall, San Francisco.
Mr. Ulett says that his firm is enjoying a very satisfactory business.