2 minute read
Iacorlcrtcd uod.r th. lrrr of Cdllcrlr J. C. DhnDG; Prcr. aad Trar.; J. E. Martln, Vlcc-Prrr. Publbhod tbo lrt eld $fb ol acf, roiltt tt tlt-lt-t Orntnl Bulldla3, ltC Wcrt Sbrrh Str!.t, La Aardc+ ar, Tolcntoe. VArd&c tSG Entand u Sccod-ctls uttor SgDt-bc B, IEL rt tL Pat ofile tt Lc Anlclcl Crlllomll udc Act of Merth I Urt.
Subrcription Priccr SZ|X) pcr Ycrr Sia3lc Copicr, 25 ccntr ach. LOS ANGELES, CAL.,
How Lumber Looks
The Vest Coast Lumbermen's Association for the wcek ended October 19 reportd nen' business from 201 mille ae 9218921162 feet, shipments 861861932 feet, and production lffir162,t54 feer. Orden boot(d for t{re week wete about l'(X)O'(X)O feet over the total of the preceding week. The unfilled order file at these millo stood at 32515751960 feet, approximately 510001000 feet over the week befote.
The repot explained t{rat new bueiness continuer to come in at about the same level and much of the poduction ir going into inventories which are low and badly brolcen. Inquiries are rqnrted in greater volume and the industry is optimistic that the pnesent slack scason in orderc will rhift to more activ- ity. Expo'rt boyrog is quiet with moot of the business reported as going to mills in British Columbia.
The \Vestetn Pine Association for the week etrded October 1% 109 mills reporting gave orders as 461652rOO0 feet, shipments 54tE400 feet, and production 66r154,0d0 feet Odeirs welre 29.4 per cent belorv production and 14.5 per cent below
Loolcs Forward to Reading 'Vagabond Editorials"
"I might state here and now that I always look forward to seeing the Merchant arrive so that I may study your'Vagabond Editorials,' the reading of which gives me the greatest pleasure. 'Vagabond Editorials' and 'Time' are my two principal items of reading matter."
(Signed) Walter G. Scrim, President, Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Assn.
Hortoq Tor shipments. Shipments wete 17.4 per cent below production Orders on hand at the end of the weeL totaled l76r7O9,W fetr', *!frf
The California Redwood Association for the same weel reported production from 15 millr as 8r742rOOO feet, ehipmeotr tr7s2rffn feet, and new btrsiness 611121000 feet Orders on hand at t{re end of the vrcck werne 29164191000 feea Production war 32 prer c:ent greater and new businese 12 pa ceflt grcater than for the same wee& last yean tf*tf
The California market hao fi nd up during the paot two weeks. Fir uppers are still Ecerce and-the marLet is-f,rrn on these itelru. Fir commons are sho$ring more strength.
Cargo chippers ate having considerable trouble with the eeamen, ma&ing lumber delivedes uncettain. Some lumber vesrels have remained inactive in port fo,r sevef,al dayo at a ti-e, .ul some of the crsws are demanding wagcs and hours dclarcd contrery to the awards, and the replacement of these men ic ncesnarrr before the ships can resume operations. * rlc rl.
I-Insold stocks on the public docks at Lor Angeles harbor on October 2E totded about 8r(X)0r000 feet. CargJarrivds at Loc Angeles harbor for the weelc ended October ZA tcrtaleA l4r115.r000 feet which included 14069,000 ftex of. Fir and lSO,000 feet' of Redwood. 64 vessels were operating in the coastwise lumber service on October 26; 34 vessels pere-leid up.
Recovering Nicely From Operation
A. J. Todhunter, secretary of the Hipolito Co., Los Angeles, is now at home where he is convalescing nicely from his operation for appendicitis on October 17. He is expected to be back on the job again in a few weeks.
714 Ylest Olympic Blvd. - Los Angeles Telephone PRospect O22g
Consistendy Serving
Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers With Their Complete Lumber Requirements
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