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Pine Sales Gompany

Pine Sales Gompany

Ratc---32.50 Pet Column Inch. Min:mum Ad One-Half Inch.

Salesman Wanted

Salesman wanted by one of the oldest established wholesale firms in California. Wholesale selling experience not absolutely essential. In writing give full details as to past experience, etc. Address Box C-574, California Lumber Merchant.

Position Wanted By Young Lady

Experien,ced stenographic and bookkeeper desires position. Fully qualified in estimating lumber and in all branches of general office work. Address Box C-573, California Lumber Merchant.

Place wanted by office. Not afraid rounding territory. ber Merchant.


experienced lumberman, either yard or of work-prefer Los Angeles or surAddress Box C-569, California Lum-

Lumber Yards For Sale

We can offer some yard sites with sheds, offices and racks, but without sto.ck or equipment, on attractive terms. In addition we have some good buys in going lumber yards. Twohy Lumber Company, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

Redwood Empire Lumbermen's Club Lumber Dealers Receive Palco Bark Holdg October Meeting at Scotia Sales Promotional Folder

At the invitation of The Pacific Lumber Cornpany members of the Redwood Empire Lumbermen's Club held their monthly meeting at Scotia on Saturday, October 12.

E. E. Yoder, resident manag'er of the company, welcomed the members at dinner. Mead Clark, the club's president, turned over the duties of presiding at the meeting to P. J. Rutledge, manager of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company, E,ureka.

Attendance of members was practically 10O per cent, the only absentee being Andrew McNair of McKinnon-McNair Lumber Co., St. Helena, who was attending a meeting of the Redwood Empire Association, of which he is a director, at Holbert Lake.

Those present were: Mead Clark, Santa Rosa; Henry Laws and Steve Yeager, Henry Laws Co., Santa Rosa; E. J. Striepeke, Sterling Lumber Co., Santa Rosa; M. M. Daubin, Sterling Lumber Col, Petaluma; Delmar Travis, The Diamond Match Co., Petaluma; Jack Cavanagh, Cavanagh Lumber & Mill Co., Petaluma; Oscar Messersmith, Sterling Lumber Co., Penngrove; R. B. Stevens, A. F. Stevens Lumber Co., Healdsburg; L. D. Gilbert and Fred Miller, Healdsburg Lumber Co., Healdsburg; W. Adler, I. C. Nelson and Dale Farrell, Sonoma Mill & Lumber Co., Sonoma; Roy Klinker, Henry Hess Co., Sebastapol; Charles Garrison, Two Rock Commercial Co., Two Rock; Jim Clark, Calistoga Lumber Co., Calistoga; Abel Jackson, G. V. Weller, and John W. Schlosser, IJnion Lumber Co., Fort Bragg; George Stone, Boyes Springs Lumber Co., Boyes Springs; Lloyd Bittenbender, Ukiah; E. H. Shimmins, Ukiah Farmers' Club, Ukiah; George Heywards, Willits Lumber Co., Willits; I. L. Walker, California Lumbermen's Council, San Francisco; L. W. Blinn III and Jack Lauden, The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco; J. W. Crowe, Calwear-Smith .Co., San Francisco, and C. E. De Camp, Caspar Lumber Co., San Francisco.

Lumber dealers who handle Palco Bark are receiving this week a new sales promotional piece in shape of an illustrated folder describing this California product for home insulation.

While Palco Bark has for some time been receiving wide acceptance by refrigeration engineers for insulating cold storage warehouses and commercial refrigerators, it is only recently that its advantages as a house insulation have become recognized,.

The new folder points out basic reasons {or the rapidly growing demand for insulation. It also describes the advantages of Palco Bark for meeting this demand.

The folder brings out the fact that Palco Bark is ideal for retail lumber dealers to handle as it is a product of the forest and can be shipped in pool cars with lumber.

Several hundred lumber dealers on the coast have already added Palco Bark to their regular line and the majority of them are enjoying a very satisfactory turnover, according to Edric E. Brown, manager of Palco Bark Division of The Pacific Lumber Company.

Spends Few Days In Arizona

Percy Merithew, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los was a recent Arizona visitor where he spent a few company business.

Angeles, days on

Operating Gas Station In Los Angeles

Bob Estes has bought the Associated Oil Co. station at Third Street and Serrano Ave., Los Angeles, where he will be glad to fix up his lumbermen friends with their automobile wants. Bob is well known in Los Angeles lumber circles and is a son of the late Cliff Estes who was associated with the lumber business in Los Angeles for many years.

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