1 minute read
For Lurnber Merchants Lie in Reilly Transparent Penetrqting Creosote
The Peterson Lumber & Finance Co. of San Diego sold the Reilly Transparent Penetrating Creosote used to treat the wood in the Bing Crosby residence at Rancho Santa Fe. fncrease your markets by selling protection for wood against termites, beetles and decay. Reilly Transparent Penetrating Creosote is the ideal protective agent. V/ood treated with it is paintable and practically unchanged in color. Reilly Transparent Penetrating Creosote presents no health hazardo is easily applied and has no unpleasant odor. It makes possible the use of lumber in many places whete structural pest danger prohibits th" employlent of untreated wood. Stocks at important Pacific Coast centers in one, five and 55 gallon containers. Also available in pressure treated lumber. Vrite us for prices and literature.