4 minute read

Convention Committees

The lumbermen of the San Diego district, with Orrie W. Hamilton, secretary-manager of the Lumbermen's Service Bureau of San Diego, are arranging for the details of the State retailers' convention to be held at San Diego on November G8, 1935. Harry A. I.ake, president of the California Retail I.umbermen's Association, Garden Grove; Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles; Dee Essley, Elliott Bay Sales Co., Los Angeles, and C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., Whittier, met with the committees on October 12 at San Diego to complete the final arrangements of the convention program. The various committees include:


A. B. Cadman, manager, W. P. Fuller Company, .Sarr Diego; E. L. Bullen, president, Homeland Building Co.. National City; Al Frost, proprietor, Frost Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego; W. D. Hall, president, W. D. Hall Co., El Cajon; H. L. Miner, secretary, Whiting-Mead Co., San Diego i W. J. Glasson, president, Glasson Mill & Lumber Co., San Diego; J. D. Johnson, proprietor, National Lumber Co., National City; R. N. Ransom, manager. Ransonr Bros. Lumber Co., Ramona.

Company, San Diego; C. A. Smith, manager, Eabtside Lumber Co., San Diego; W. J. McDermott, proprietor, Miller McDermott Hardwood Co., San Diego.


Harry McGahey, rnanag'er, San Diego Lumber Co., San Diego; Jerry Sullivan, Jr., president, Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego; L. B. Neill, president, La Mesa Lumber Co., La Mesa.


Glen Miner, general rnanager, Whiting-Mead Company, San Diego; Knute (Bud) Rinde, wholesale manager, Benson Lumber Company, San Diego; Frank Meyer. manager, Hillcrest L,umber Company, San Diego.


W. S. (Bill) Cowling, secretary-manager, Dixie Lumber Company, San Diego; George Klicka, vice-president, Klicka Lumber Company, San Diego; George Johnson, manag'er, National Lumber Co., National City; Rex Hall, r'ice-president, W. D. Hall Company, El Cajon.


G. Frank Nolan, patten Blinn r.uml,er Co., San Diego; I.loyd Russell, president, Centnry Lumber


In an item in the October 15th issue of this paper it u'as stated that George C. Stone is orvner and manager of Boves Springs Lumber Co., Boyes Springs, ancl that he rvas formerly with the El Verano Lumber Co. This is incorrect. as Mr. Stone is formerly of San Francisco, ancl is manager of the yard, which is o'ivned by a. corporation.

Calls On Northwest Mills

A. C. Penberthy, Tacoma I-ttmber Sales. Los Angeles, rvas back at his desk C)ctober 23 fronr a teir-clav trip to mill connections at Tacoma and Willapa Harbor.

Frank Park, president, Park Lumber Co., La Mesa; E. B. Culnan, vice-president, Western Lumber Co., San Diego; Earl McCormick, president, McCormick Lumber Co., San Diego.


Mr. ancl ]'[rs. C. R. Taenzer have retttrned from a rveek's r,isit to San Francisco. While in the Bay clistrict they attended the U.S.C.-California football game at Berkeley, and Mr. Taenzer, 'n'ho is president of the American llardrvood Company, Los Angeles, called on a number of his friends in the lumber business.

Arizona Visitor

Chas. P. Henrl', Chas. R. McCormick i\ngeles, recently visited Phoenix, Ariz., ness.

Lrrn.rber Co., Los on companv busi-

Golf Tournament Hotel San Dieso Will be to be Held at Convention Headquarters

Retailers' Annual Downtown on Broadway, San Diego, close to the business section of this enterprising city, adjacent to theaters and with street car transportation from the door of the Hotel San Diego to the California Pacific International Exposition will make things convenient for the lumbermen, their families ancl friends when they trek to the "Exposition City" for the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association on November 6-8.

One of the highlights of the State Retailers' Convention at San Diego on November G8 will be the golf tournament at the I-a Mesa Country Club, Thursday afternoon, November 7. The tournament 'ivill start at I p.m. A number o{ prizes lvill be awarded to the r,r'inners of the various events. The first prize is a handsome leather zipper bag donated by the U. S. Gypsurn Company. Other prizes u'ill consist rf useful items to every golfer which have been donated by Tacoma Lumber Sales, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., and DolbeerCarson Lumber Co.

In the evening a buffet supper rvill be served and there rvill be an entertainment and various old-fashioned games staged under the direction of Frank Park.

A fee of $2 per person will be charged which includes the cost of green fees, blind bogey fee, locker, supper and everything. The committee is holding down the fee as low as possible which should attract a large crowd to the tournament, The committee states, "We are expecting a big crowd out for the tournament which we hope will be the most successful ever held at a Retailers' Convention, and we can assure all the boys who attend a very h"ppy time."

The committee in charge of the tournament includes : Frank Park, president of the Park Lumber Co., La Mesa; E. B. Culnan, vice president of the Western Lumber Co., San Diego, and Earl McCormick, president of the McCormick Lumber Co., San Diego.

Hotel San Diego will be the Convention headquarters. It is an attractive and home-like l-rostelry and those attend-

Hotel San Diego ing the Convention will be charged a modest rate for accommodations. Within the hotel structure one will find conveniences such as dining room, coffee shop, cocktail lounge, valet service, barber shop and numerous committee roorns for small or large. gatherings for Convention purposes.

Robert Foehl, genial host ancl manager of the l.rotel, has assurecl the Committee arranging for the Convention that San Diego Exposition officials are making special preparations for the lumbermen attending the Conventior.r; special events will be programmed for their entertainrnent and that the personnel of the Hotel will endeavor to add to the pleasures of the Convention by providing its guests r,vith comfortable quarters and efficient service.

New Arrival

Mr. and Ntrs. Eli Destruel of Santa Rosa are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl on October 18. Mr. Destruel is associated n'ith Mead Clark. retail lumber dealer. Santa Rosa.

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2rd & Alice So" OAKLAND Gleacourt 6861

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