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California Dealers to Meet at San Diego November 6-7-g for Annual Convention

California lumbermen will meet at San Diego on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, November 6, 7 and 8, 1935, for the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.

A fine program has been arranged for the three-day meeting. The lumbermen will register at the Hotel San Diego on Wednesday morning. Wednesday noon an interesting trip is scheduled for the lumbermen and their ladies which includes a boat trip through the harbor to a 6-mi1lion foot giant log raft, luncheon and a tour through the Benson Lumber Company's mill. These giant log rafts are towed from the Columbia River, the logs coming from the company's timber holdings in Oregon and are assembled at Wallace's slew near Astoria. The return trip from the mill will be made by boat and the balance of the afternoon will be spent at the California Pacific International Exposition.

Thursday morning there will be a business session, an open forum. presided over by Paul Hallingby of the Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles. There will also be a preview showing of the Redwood moving picture talkie.

Thursday afternoon, for the enjoyment of everybody there will be a dual program-a golf tournament at the La Mesa Country Club, La Mesa, at one o'clock with a buftet supper and stag party in the evening, or a visit to the Expositidn where there will be lectures and tours of the C.C.C. exhibit and Tiny Town, a log rolling contest, and dinner, floor show and dancing at the Cafe of the World in the evening.

Business sessions will be held, both morning and afternoon, on Friday when several speakers will address the meeting on current subjects of importance to the dealers. There will be a premiere showing of "Home of the Wooden Soldiers," Red Cedar Shingle Industry talkie, at the afternoon session. In the evening at 7 :fi P.M. the annual banquet, floor show and dance will be held in the Pompeian Room of the Hotel San Diego. The convention program in full is printed elsewhere in this issue.

Through the lumbermen of the San Diego district who have arranged for the Convention program, the City of San Diego extends a cordial welcome to all lumbermen to attend the convention and to visit the California Pacific International Exposition.

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