3 minute read

California Retail Lumbermen's Association Annual Convention

to be held at San Diego, California, November 6th, 7th and 8th, 1935


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th l.to P. M.-Tour Through Benson Lumber Company's Saw Mill. This Mill has the Distinction of Being the Only Saw Mill in the World that Bring its Logs in by Raft from the Forest by Ocean to the Mill.

9:00'A.M.-Registration at Hotel San Diego.

12:00 Noon-Boat Ttip for Lumbermen and Their Ladies, through Harbor, to a Six Million Foot Log Raft-LuncheonBoat leaves Broadway Pier sharply at 12 O'Clock Noon.

2z3O P. M.-Return Boat Trip to Broadway Pier.

Balance of Afternoon and Evening at America's Exposition-No Set Progtam.


7:30 A.M.-Breakfast Meeting of Redwood Manufacturers and State Lumber Relations Committees at Horcl San Diego.

9:00 A.M.-Open Forum at Hotel San Diego, Conducted by Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles. Preview of Redwood Moving Picture Talkie.

For the Enjoyment of Everybody a Dual Program has been Arranged for the Aftetnoon and Evening as Follows:

At La Mesa Country Club

La Mesa, Calif.

l:00 P.M.-Golf Tournament.

6:00 P.M.-Buffet Supper

7:30 P.M.--Stag Party.

7 :30 A.M.-Breakfast Meetings.


l:30 P.M.-Lecture and Tour of C.C.C. Exhibit.

3:00 P.M.-Lecture and Tour of Tiny Town.

4:30 P.M.-Log Rolling Contest, Plaza de Pacifico.

6:15 P.M.-Dinner. Dance. Floor Show-Cafe of the World.


l. Directors of California Retail Lumberments Association.

2. Association Secretaries and Managers.

9:00 A.M.-Business Session: l2:00 Noon-Luncheon.

Taxation, Local, State and National-By James Mussatti, Executive Secretary, California Taxpayers Assn. New Costs of Doing Business-By E. C. Parker, Secretary and Treasurer, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles. There will be Open Discussion on the Floor of the Above Subjects.

1.30 P. M.-Business Session:

Premiere Showing of "Home of the \trilooi"r, Soldiers"-Red Cedar Shingle Industry Talkie. Trade Association Activities-By tt7. W. Woodbridge, Manager Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle.

Title Two of the National Housing Act-By L. R. Gignilliat, Assistant Director, Field Division of Federal Housing Adminisration,'Washington, D.C.

Co-ordination of Local, State and National Association-By I7. C. Bell, Managing Director, Western Retail Lum. berments Association, Seatde.

Merchandising of Building Materials-By George Ream, Kerckhofr-Cuzner Lumber Co., Los Angeles. Report of State Lumber Relations Committee-By Wm. Kendrick, CLairman, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, Calif. Other Reports and Resolutions.

7 :30 P. M.-Banquet-Floor Show-Ball Pompeian Room, Hotel San Diego.


8:00 A.M.-Breakfast Meeting-Directors of California Retail Lumbermen's Association.

George Gorman Enters Wholesale Business in San Francisco

Announcement ls made by George W. Gorman, sales manager for the Hammond Lumber Company at the San Francisco office, that he has resigned his position with the company to go into business on his own account, and that efiective November t he will engage in the wholesale lumber business in San Francisco, handling rail and cargo shipments of West Coast woods, Redwood, Ponderosa and Sugar Pine.

He also announces his appointment as exclusive sales representative for, Northern California for Trans-Pacific Lumber Sales Corporation, of Port Orford, Ore., manufacturers of Old Growth Yellow Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar. This concern has a sarvmill at Port Orford with an S-hour capacity of 125,0@ feet, and also acts as sales agent for several other sarvmills in the vicinity. Their recently opened wharf is 500 feet long, and minimum water depth is 32 feet, giving excellent facilities for rvater shipment.

In addition he will be associated rvith Campbell-N{oore Lumber Co., Portland, Ore., as their California representative, handling rail shipments of West Coast woods and Red Cedar shingles. Mr. Campbell is rvell known to the California retail trade, having been for many years rail sales manager for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Portland.

Mr. Gonnan's rhany friends in the retail, rvholesale and manufacturing branches of the lumber industry will wish him well in his new venture, in rvhich his well rounded experience, both in the Northn'est atrd California, rvill stand him in good stead.

He gained manufacturing and sales experience with the Whitney Lumber Company, of Garibaldi, Oregon, manufacturers of Douglas Fir lumber, K. D. Fir frathes, etc., and spent several years as Northern California sales representative for this firm, u.hich u'as merged with the Hammond Lumber Company in 1927. He later became assistant sales manager for Hammond, and at the passing of Henry Faull some years ago $'as promoted to the position of sales manager.

Having pioneered the use of the airplane in California as a time-saving aid in the sales end of the lumber business, George intends to make extensive use of a private plane in l-ris business in the future.

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