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How Lumber Looks
A rcftcning of the wholeeele marke! cxtcnding back over two we€ks bar brought about a coadition of fry ralel and lower priccl.
There ir but onc realon and crplanation for thir condition, and that b tihat tlc yardr arc wcr rtocked, or et lcert havc anticipetcd thcir necdr for a longcr pcriod aheed ^hen ir orrtomary.
Going brck a fctv wcc&r aud revicwing tte cireumrtanccr ttit brought about the upr and downt of thq markcg it ir not hard for one to rec bow thc prcrmt dtuetion ir a nrtural reeult of ths raid circumrtanccl.
Fllrrt ttre Japanerc direrter, car,rring thc lolr of ro m4r liver and millionr of dollan worth of propcrty, thir of Gotrrc rtarting the nunon of hcavy buying by Japanec intcrcrt+ which war bormd to boort thc wholeolc market. ThL hrd itr effcct Yardr all ovcr the rtrtc began buying, and buying in large quentiticr. Building her kcpt up, in fas{ harrgone ahead of dl prcdictionr, howcvcr tfic d+ nand hu not ebcorbed thc enount of lumbcr thet wrr rcnt bto thc Califotaia narkct.
At San Pedro, in fhc 6rrt tca dayr in Novanbcr, 6ftyfour lumbcr boetr d'ockcd; t[cir carrying capacity bcing a littlc ovcr 62,(XX),(DO fect, both 6r and rcdwood. This ir a lot of lunber. The week of Ocobcr 2g to Novcanber 3rd, rew GO'O(X),OOO fect tand€d at thc Lor Angelct harbor, rnore then bar ever oome into thb port in a \rcrca day period bcforc.
Thir rtock will no doubt have to bc cleared up romc_ wha!, beforc pricer will rebound, rnd it ir the opinion of, many tihat tbir rebound will occur behrecn now and the firrt of next rnontt.
At thL r*iting, rder are e little rlow, and pricer are ofi about $4.OO fron wbat thcy wcre hro wcdc ago.
And of courrc thL h ncar inventory time, wbco dealcre gencrdly pull in a litde.
The fir millr raler for a week period dropped to 84r(XtormO fect, from IO4'OOO0OO feet for tbe previour wedr. They nanufactured 110,q)Orfl)0 fect Thc menber millr of the Wert Coert Lunberrnen's Arsociation rhow tteh ralel ar being 24 pe cent below production, for thir wcc&.
Thc lart report fron thc California Rcdwood Asociation :howr a wcCrr ralcc of ITOOOT0OO fect, end rhipncntr totalling grzfi)r(X)O fct Thb ir a Sain from tbc lrrt rcport ln thc previour wcck thcy dd 5r9(X),q)O fecL
Thc Southcrn Pinc Agochtion rdcl for thc wcek wcrc 7O,322'0/J[J fccg end thcy rhipped E3,OOO,O0O.