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C. H. Whitc ir thc gcnorel nrnejc,r of Whito Brothcrr, thc lrr3c herdwood hourJ of Srn Frelcirco Lnorn u Herdsood Hcrdquertcir. Hq rith W. T. Whitb, vlccarorl&rt, brvc tho ectivc mrnrgcncat of thir conccrl in hend.

Whitc Broihcrr ir onc of tLc old crtablirhcd conccmr. of thc Stetc. In lt5i2 Pctcr Whitc crrnc to thir country frorn dowr Earg in lt6t hc rbrtcd 8 wrSon urtcrirl houto, end in ltlil Whitc Brothcrr war crtablirhcd by Pctcr and A. L. Whitc.

C. H. lVhitc, chrirtcncd Chulcr Herry, but populrrly Lnown rl aHaF;rrD ir thc ron of Jecob Whitc, r brothcr of thc fouadcrr of Whitc Brothcn rnd for a nunbcr of ycn conncctcd with thcir conccrn. Herry Whitc yrr bora ll Srn Frucieco ead rrircd in thc Mirlion Dirtrict.

Hrrqr Whitc her had r vrricd Glt Gr. Ar r boy hr worlcd rbout thc yrrdr of Whitc Brothcn. Upon conrpctir3 hir rtudicr et thc Univcrrity of Glifonie, hc journcycd to Soutb Ancrice whcrc bc bocenc r rrilroed Ern rDd lcerncd to tel|r 'hebla erprnol." On hir rGtunr to Sen Frtacirco hc bccrnc e rtcernrhip nen nilin3 to rll poiatr of thc Oricat; hc thcn bccrmc r Curtonr BroLcr ia Srn Fnleirco, end et thc r3o of thirty ycerr bc wer becl< ejein to thc lovc of hir youtb, tbc hrrdwood buriacr of lVhitc Brothcr.

Hrrry Whito lt e rcridcnt of Alrnsdr end hu r coultrt bomc il thc Srntr Cnrr Mounteinr. Hr ir thc proud fetbcr of two finc boyr rnd r 3irl. Hir fuily lr hir priacipel bobby, ro nuch ro, tbet bc lr only lcrrnin3 to plry 3olf. ln fecb hc urrdc 165 on thc Scquoir Lialr on hlr firrt dry out r fsw wcckr r3o.

Hc ir r Shrincr, en ElL, r Dircctor of tho Rotrty Oub, erd r ncnbcr of tLc Olynpic Club. Mr. Whitc ir elro e rtudoot of hirtory rnd eivicr, rnd occerioully door r llttlc vorl rith thr pcn

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