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will give that honc a permaincotly utirfactory onrhead covering. Thc rnen who ma&c it rtaLc their reputation on itr rcrvice. Yow conrcicocc b clear when you dl "Weavcrtt Roofing.
'Weaver Roof Company
' Sgloester L. Weaoer
Broadway 784 - Lor Angelcc
The picture herewith is of a very attractive booth installed by the Garden Grove Lumber & Cement Company, of Garden Grove, at a fair held recently in that city.
Many good ideas for a display are contained in this exhibit. A great many model plans were distributed around the booth, these i'n, colors, and in the rear a small model house placed on a large redwood stump, attracted considera,ble attention. Shingles were not forgotten in the display, in the front of the exhibit they placed a bunch of red cedar "Stars," with a card explaining ths advantages of this superior roof covering. The large hardwood panel also came in for its amount of favorable com,men,t, and taken as a whole, this progressive company is to be congratulated on the display.
The exhibit was installed under the direction of Mr. H. A. Lake, proprietor of the Garden Gnove Lumber Companyr
A'mong those present at the annual meeting of the California Retail Lumbermen's Convention held lt San Francisco on October ?5 and, 27, was F. A. Haworth, sales manager of the Spaulding Logging Company, of Portland. Mr. Haworth spent several days looking: over lumber cond,itions in Northern California, and while in the Bav Distrigt made his headquarters with Jim Hall, their California rgpresentative, who maintains offices in the Mills Build,ing.
ner-en DUNcAN JorNs MERcED LUMBER co.
Ralph Duncan, until November I manager of the Halstead Lum,ber Company, of Fresno, has resi[ned and is now 'connected. with the Merced Lumber Company, of Merced. He will act as manager of the Merced Lumibei Company.