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Los AnAeles Lumberman Tells bf Interestin$ Trip
ney to his ol'd stamping grounds, places that he had known well when he was a boy.
Spokane, Nov. lO.-More than 13,000,000,000 feet of lumber-,were produced in the.nine nor^thwestern states within the'iast y,ear, em,ployed in the lumber industry, according to figures revealed by tle Secretarv. the session L,ogging congress which was held in'Spokane October 24 to 77. Among the interesting features of his' report were that there are3l92 miles of logging railroad in the territory now in operation and that the state of Washington stands at the top with 2010 miles. These roads use more than 1000 locohotives of different types in addition to motive power furnished by 10,00O trucks and a hauling capacity supplied by more than 55@ flat cars.
the last y,ear, and,rnore than 100,000 men were emp Secr-etary, at the fourteenth annual sessiqn of the Pacific
7 program.
About 3dO members of the congr€ss attended the se'ssions, which were devoted to every phase of the logg'ing industry. Such topics as opening up of new timber tracts, -log- ging railroad- bridge 'building, overhead systems, engines, flumes, reforestation and mechanical felling were on the Displays of models of all sorts o'f logging tnachinery in return to Los Angeles on Novem'ber I7th, completing a opera[ion were made,by ihventors and manufacturer's re_pseveral months trip that has been filled with many inter- resentatives and which- added an interesting feature t'o the €stlng expeflences.
Mr. Arthur Twohy, the gentlemen in the i2icture, will ^ D"ispla' lurn Anseles 17th, ooeration
:lng exPeflences. c-ongress.
Mr. Twohy, accompanied. by 1\{rs. Twohy, left Los An- On the opening-eveningof-th-e congress, a special dinner les on the nCitv of Los Atrseles," in Septinber, and they wps served the delegates and their wives. geles "City of Angiles," Septernber, uras "City Los Angeles," in September, they V spent two weeks together in Honolulu, Mrs. Twohy return- / ing home from there, and 'Mr. Twohy taking a boa! f-or ( Suva, in the Fiji Islands, where he spent several days. From I
MARK LILLARD IN NEW OFFICES taking in the many sights -around this interesting place. He made many side trips to the island, roughing it in'open camps with the natives and his letters telling of the life of these people are most interesting. He then came back to Sidney, for more golf. Arthur says that he pl'ayed nine holes on the course there, and after losing seven balls, decided it was not worth the cost. He explains that it is necessary to hire two caddies on this course, one to watch the ball and another to watch him that he doesn't put the ball in his pocket. The holes are all blind, goingover hills, and through rough that would put an American course to shame, for "trouble."
Suva, in Fiji I9!1nds, where sp_ent sev_eral -Fro-m Mr. Mark Lillard, I-,os Angeles seller of Nicolai doors, there he went to Wellington, New South Wales, where he and Whitmer Tackson doors ind windows, has movedr his d Jackson doors and ibes in the Central Buildins from room @2 to roona 430. visited his father's forme-r hom'e._ Journeying from there.to ;ihTd i; ;il i;il nuitaing room bZ t" t"o*-+SO. Aukland, and then to Sidney where !9 s1ay9d !y" i::\:, Same telephlne num,ber.
Leaving Sidney, Mr. Twohy went to Papeete, Tahiti, and boarded a steamer there to bring him home. He is expected to arrive on November 17th.
Mr. Twohy made this long trip for two reasons' He has been in poor health for sdme time, and had been advised to take a long ocean trip, and he took the opportunity to jour-
Gnlifortia White
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