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More Hoo HooNews Andeles rP!furcCo
Friday, November 2nd, witnessed another of the many bri{liant affairs being put on- b}e.the Los Angeles HooHoo Club, in the form of ar@lj)toarnament and dinner dance held at the Wilshire Co'i-ntry Clu'b.
About fifty players entered in the morning and afternoon golf play,'competing for a dozen beautiful prizes that had been donated by various of the retail and wholesale companies ,in Los Angeles. Mr. Ted Lawrence of the Hart-Wood Lumber Com.pany was in charge of the tournament play, and he was ably assisted in the handicapping by Mr. A. L. (Gus) Hoover. The star of the day proved to be Mr. Joe Chapman, of the LaBrea M'aterials Company, who was awarded the first prize f.or low net. Mr. Chapman is also entitled. to have his name engraved on the Hipolito Cup, which must be won three times in order to be retained permanently. Bert Maule of the Hammond Lumber Company was the first winner of this trophy, but was nosed out by a narrow margin by Chapm,an, in this last play.
Other prizes for gross and net scores went to E. R. Maule, S. C. Hooper, J. E. Lloyd-Jones, Joe Chelew, R. A. Fobes, Andy Donovan, S. E. Slade, rFred Crozidr, F. M. Connelly, F. T. Dolen, Harry Hansen, Jeff Tully, Curtis Merryman and Mark Lillard.
In the afternoon a'bout twenty-five of the ladies competed in the bridge mah-jongg play. Mrs. Harry Flensen carried off the honors in the mah-jonng and was aw,arded the prize in this 'division. Mrs. Paul Masters took the high score and the prize in the bridge game.
The evenins dinner and dance was eniov g d,inner enjoyed by over a rrk Herman RosenberE presided. and he was hundred. Snark Rosenberg presided, a assisted by David Woodhead, chairman of committees.
West Coast Lumbermen's Association weekly reports on production, orders and shipments, for the first forty-four weeks of the past four years, are as follows:
An ample and constant supply of this lumber,is assured by the Company's holdings, which include a great tract containing approximately 3,500,000,000 feet of Virgin Timber.
Thc Spruce is logged on Graham Igland and is transported in the form of "equarea" to Log Angeler Harbor by the Company's own flcet of steel stcam lumber gchooners. Here the Company maintains modern, Unit driven Saw Mille (with double shift capacity of 500,000 feet per day), Planing Millq Dw Kilns and Box Factorics.
Graham Island Sitka Spruce etcelr aa interior Finish. When go used it will not check, warp nor crack undcr varying weather conditions. lts fine. soft grain aasures perfect milling. Due to it8 light color and terture, it requires less paint and labor to produce a euperior finieh.
It is kiln dried and machined at Los Angeles Harbor for the local tradc.
From the above items it will be observed:
1. Production, thus far this year, has been 19.95 per cent groater than in the same period for 7972;93.08 per cent greater than in 1921; and 31.91 per cent greater than in the first forty-four weeks of 1920.
2. Shipments, thus far this year, have been 33.95 per cent greater than in 1922;92.76 per cent greater than in I92I; and. 55"9 per cent greater than the first forty-four weeks of. l9ZO.
3. New business, thus far this year, has beet 27.5'l per cent greater than in 1921; and 31.91 per cent greater than greater than in l92l; and 70.25 per cent greater than the first forty-four weeks of. 1920.
Dean Prescott Calls On San Francisco Trade
F. Dean Prescott, manager of the Valley Lumber Co., spen,t a few days around the first of the month ,in Satn Francisco attending to business matters and calling on the San Francisco trade.
lnquiricr Solicitcd Gencral Salcr Of6cc: W. L HOLUNGSWORTI{ BUILDING
Los Angeler, California
San Pedro, Califotlia