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In Vcrtcm Warhington end Orcgon thcre sre 610 blllion fcct log ele. rtandtng-tlmbcr. - (Notc Longvicw'r aEatcslc locatlon., ln Eartm Warhla*on ead Orcgon thcte ere 12? btlllon ftct loe nlc, ltrndlna tlmbcr. (Ftm Vcct Coart hmbemrn )
RtghrA rm gt thc Longvtew doclr. The can ftclghtcr ln the picturc broueht c ergo of rtcel plpc to Longvicw. In thc fote. rround b mc of thc ftaler whlch opcrato bctsccn l,ongvlcw aod Ratolcr, Orcgon.
O all lumber menufacturem, and manufacnrrets'of logeing and mill-machinery, eguipm6nt and suppliesseeking a -l6cal _ JL don iq the-great-ti*bS" regrong of thl^Prrcific Northwesg Longview ofiers these facts for consideration:
RAW Nearh one,half the timber recourcelt of the Uqitd States are conc€ntrated tn the great Pa- MATERHL$ Jil'Nor,h*oq with .h. ;liH H'ff#fll.ff: br in qreetqrn'Washington and Oregon Aciording tothe Wut ingtothe ffeef Coast Inmfuaa. paslringto-n hqs 268,630,994,654 feet and Oregon, +41328,544,000 feeiof timber. lonit'i.ii. sinrated tn the heart of the sreet Doucla.efirtesion of Ves-tern \(/ashinot rtr- ir,L-ti"itdf ;h;';ffi
is in close proximity to billions of feet of timber. proximity to fet timber.
Iongvlede locadon on.the Columbta River. one of the ereat loq qrarkepof thePacificNorthwest,mates lt i:ossible to 6uv lod from logging companies operating in the tlrritory tributirv tL the Columbia Logs can be transported to LonLrdew at verv cheap rates on the C-owlitz and Columbia Riveri Rail trans, lnrtation is also available.
EXCEpTIONAL MILL Because it.is served by- three great A\TD FAcroRy srrEs. i$:;i"":.1b,fff":i1#l'ri'd;*:
Great Northem, and because it is located on the Columbia iiver. making it a deep water port, Longview is an ideal location for either cargo or rail ehipment mills and factories. Advantaseoug sites are available at longview, with waterfront or rail facifties, or both.