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In Vcrtcm Warhington end Orcgon thcre sre 610 blllion fcct log ele. rtandtng-tlmbcr. - (Notc Longvicw'r aEatcslc locatlon., ln Eartm Warhla*on ead Orcgon thcte ere 12? btlllon ftct loe nlc, ltrndlna tlmbcr. (Ftm Vcct Coart hmbemrn )

RtghrA rm gt thc Longvtew doclr. The can ftclghtcr ln the picturc broueht c ergo of rtcel plpc to Longvicw. In thc fote. rround b mc of thc ftaler whlch opcrato bctsccn l,ongvlcw aod Ratolcr, Orcgon.

O all lumber menufacturem, and manufacnrrets'of logeing and mill-machinery, eguipm6nt and suppliesseeking a -l6cal _ JL don iq the-great-ti*bS" regrong of thl^Prrcific Northwesg Longview ofiers these facts for consideration:

RAW Nearh one,half the timber recourcelt of the Uqitd States are conc€ntrated tn the great Pa- MATERHL$ Jil'Nor,h*oq with .h. ;liH H'ff#fll.ff: br in qreetqrn'Washington and Oregon Aciording tothe Wut ingtothe ffeef Coast Inmfuaa. paslringto-n hqs 268,630,994,654 feet and Oregon, +41328,544,000 feeiof timber. lonit'i.ii. sinrated tn the heart of the sreet Doucla.efirtesion of Ves-tern \(/ashinot rtr- ir,L-ti"itdf ;h;';ffi


is in close proximity to billions of feet of timber. proximity to fet timber.

Iongvlede locadon on.the Columbta River. one of the ereat loq qrarkepof thePacificNorthwest,mates lt i:ossible to 6uv lod from logging companies operating in the tlrritory tributirv tL the Columbia Logs can be transported to LonLrdew at verv cheap rates on the C-owlitz and Columbia Riveri Rail trans, lnrtation is also available.

EXCEpTIONAL MILL Because it.is served by- three great A\TD FAcroRy srrEs. i$:;i"":.1b,fff":i1#l'ri'd;*:

Great Northem, and because it is located on the Columbia iiver. making it a deep water port, Longview is an ideal location for either cargo or rail ehipment mills and factories. Advantaseoug sites are available at longview, with waterfront or rail facifties, or both.

THE LoNcvrrw Coupervy

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