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JfrT LO IEW nthior/to for l4ill or Fucnrf
Because Lonplew manufacturerg can make shipments both by rail and water, the markete of the world are accessible to them. The railways serve the gEeat Middle West, a rapidlyenlargingmarket for Dowlas fitandothetwestetnlumbetproducts. Ocean-going liners, stopping at Longview, call at the ports of the world. ManufecnrrerJof the Pacifii Northwest have shipped forest products by water to Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, the Unitgd Kingdom, Europe, South America, Pacific Coast qtates, and the Adantic Coast stateE via Panama Canal.
Total watet shipments h t922 were: 3,402,3t6,669 feet. Toal foreign water shipments in 1922 wercz 1,081,656,439 feet Total ofishore domestic shipments id 1922 werc: 2,320,660,530 feet
Er rpr Electric powet ls available at economical rates from hydro- ffi-
Longyiew. Coal ts mined ilose by, tnCowlttzaadhwiiCouodes. Fuel Oil csn be shipped in at loq tidewatet nter.
LMNG Longview., with ttr rctentlf,cally planned manufacturlng, coNDrrroNs.ffifrT"T.l",:;1,1'r:X'f :ili:X'.Si::',:"jll#"X$:::*11: niw ln whtch to live. It is neai the great population centers of Seattle, Taco-mc gnd Potdand. Men with famil-ies, a iery atable claos of labor, will fevor anih a modeqrr community for a permanent home. Thc mild climate, tecrc. tdon and acrinic sdvantsgeo are added induccments to attract labor.
A etntirnent of uour rquiremzrfis uttll briw uou a repla ilptoillng tho adntontnges tluit Longl,iou qferc your lhu of hnbues.
Longview, 'Washington
,'- Mate a chcct a*L In th. qusrc)
- [] Manufactuting [] Mctcantilc [] Wholcslc [] hofcralond [] Commrctal [! Hoacsttc
[ ] Rcotal Ptopcrty Invcstoat