3 minute read
TheGrowing Opportunitiesin the Retail Lurnb er Business
THE man who said, a few years back, that the-: I function of the retail lumber dealer was to figure bills and fill lumber orders didn't foresee the-remarkable development in retailing just ahead. . , He didn't foresee the retail lumber dealer as thelocal building material specialist, handling many other building materials besides lumber. What-'he-didn't foresee was a community with enough confi-dence in its retail lumber dealer to go to him for im-partial advice on the selection and use of building materials.
The 'Weyerhaeuser organization doesn't believe - the retail lumber business has yet reached the timit ofitspossibilities.Asevidenceofthisbeliefistheir policy of placing the retail selling of their new prod- ---n uct, BALSAM-WOOL, exclusively in the retail lum- ber dealer's hands.
'-BAISAM.\TOOL Folder Tlric6 Ftctltuatdtold" r" co[,4i[t lt cotdcttcd fmthcBALS,I\M.WOOL rtort With tuJ orttoant ffiaL tuir'rrrrrtt aad sbt lcrcn dprr foldqr rl.as.l lrcc ol cfuryc. Thcl cnrc imbrinlrdslthttt naac,
When a retail lumber dealer will take the time, as many of them are doing, to talk BALSAM-WOOL insulation and thus help a customer getabetter home, it's a mighty healthy sign that ttre retail lumber business isn't "slipping." The Weyerhaeuser otganizationknowsthatthereareenoughofthiekindofretailer-, in the country to sell all the BALSAM.WOOL that can be made.
,l-Rooftrruhtin Folder Thbffurniluithymr ottsoias maiLsillllclb trerlrtP toruniu tlack nornbusiresnrwfit *bd<nFo|,dasmiw Dtiuil lriidtlolrlt ww
From the re-tailer's standpoint BALSAM.WOOL is a good business proposition. It can be put in with a emall first investment. It is easily handled and etocked at little expenee. It means an additional profit of $25 to $50 on each house bill. BALSAM-WOOL does not compete with other items of yard stock. And besides that, it is a mightyfine item to push and sell ' in slack seasons both for city and farm trade.
From the home-builder's standpoint there just aren't any two ways about it. BALSAM-WOOL is a staple building eosen- tial. It makes far better homes by keeping them entirely Gornfortable every day in the year-something that other building materials and devices will not do. In summer, BALSAM-WOOL bars the excessive heat of the sun, thus keeping even second story bedrooms refreshingly cool and sleep inviting. In winter by stopping heat leakage and the entrance of cold, BALSAMWOOL Baves from Y+to{s on the annual fuel bill. This saving pays for the BALSAM.WOOL in a few years.
It is because of this combination of comfort and saving tLat -home-builders are taking to BALSAM-WOOL faster t[an they do to the run of building specialties offered from time to time. ***
Tests by nationally recognized authorities show BALSAMWOOL to be the most efrcient house insulation on the market It is waterproof and windproof. In the process of manufacture it is rendered fire-resistant and distasteful to rats, mice and vennin. It is sanitary and permanent.
BALsAM.wooL comes in wrapped and sealed rolls containing 250 square feet each. There are three widths, 16% inches;25 inches and 32 inches. You don't have to carry an assortment of lendths. BALSAM -wooL cuts to any length required, right on the job. Your stock of standard sealed packa4ps is always fitted for any iob that.comes up. There are no odds and ends lying around to eat up the profits you have made.
You will find in your dealings with the Wood Conversion Company, who manufacture BALSAM-wooL, the same spirit of fair dealing and the same business integpity that has characterized this organization through sixty-five years of suocessfully serving the retail trade.

If you are not in position to buy a carload, put in a trial order oI 5,0(X) or 10,000 feet. Advertising material will be supplied you. This trial order will convince you of its sdes possibilities.
Sample, prices and complete information on BALSAM-WooL may be seoured througlr our local district representative, by mail addressed to our nearest branch ofrce, or Wood Conversion Company, Cloquet, Minn.
General Ofices . SPOKANE, VASHINGTdN ' cBranch Ofrces
S"llirg H"lpt for DealensWho Handle
This [ouse is lnsdatedvith
'lr l.w tfn keg a housc'Wasncr inltllrrier adcooler in Sumncr
5 -BAISAM.VOOL Job PLcadr to p|,;t ub on c$srt l|o',,tc lot olrlch fc r.[ BALSAX, WOOL Th.rc tldcar& rrdlt crronrc eld:nfui cd eau btillcttlortoc.
6AALSAM-VOOL Agency Sigr fn olrr m 3O tsngc rr.3L Thir ri!tr oi|Ililelrlfi, torr1u,dl u lul fufuut*tt lor BAI.SAM;1IrOOL
2}t!SS. Le Srlte St. Lexington Bldg. 2l20Broadrvey
7-C.ontractor Eroa&id.t
Tllex I oldqt lr;llth€ BALSAIU.W @L story lm thc w tr&tof s fuint ol aicu. See that ea6' cotr'':&td in t@t tffiitartgckw