1 minute read
O- other_city in the world offere 80 many forest pro. ducte direct from manufacturers as does T""oro", both in quantity and variety.
Supplying Tacoma's great millE are tremendous stands of the best of Douglas Fir, Red Cedar and 'Western Hemloclc.
' Serving Tacoma are four transcontinental railroads and innumerable steamship lines with handling and loading facilities unsurpassed.
Whatever your needs may be in lumber or re-manufactut'ed lumber products or Douglas Fir, Red Cedar, 'West Coast Hemlock or Spruce, Tacoma, "The Lumber Capital of America" offers you genuine SERVICE
To have your inquiries reach the entire mcnufacfuring inrerests of Tacoma ' qnd Thcoma Dis:Irict.
Thir BooL Mdlcd Frcc on Rcquot.
A de luxe book containinc more than fifty fine viers-, descriptivc text, and z directory of Tacoma man- ufacturers, maited to you f''.?""*,*l$"',iLli"il'*::Co., El Paso: ..ft ie the fincst description of a great town and industry thit it L"";::i,oo"" ray plearurc