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Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers Association Plans
The next issue of the "California Lumber Merghant" will contain an account of the Convention held at Long Beach, on Saturday, November l7th, by the Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers' Association.
The completed program predicts a rneeting that, for attendance and new ideas will beat any meeting ever held by this organiza:tion. They will convene at 10 a. m., at the Cham'ber of Commerce. President A. E. Fickling will preside, and will make the address of welcome to the mernbers and guests.
The speakers in the morning will be Mr. Sam T. Hayward, who will give an address "How to Figure Costs," and Mr. Carl E. Rosenberg will talk on "The Art of Making a Sale."
In the evening at the banquet, a speaker from the Build- ing Materials Credit Association will speak on "Credits and Collections."
A feature of this convention will be the luncheon and inspection trip through the new plant of the Loe Angeles Lumber Products Company. The members and guests will meet at the Pine Ave. pier at 11:30 a. m., and 'board a SpG: cial boat that will be provided. Luncheon-will be served at the California Yacht Club, and they will then proceed, to the rnill to be shown through this large new plant.
The dinner will be at the Virginia Hotel, at 6:30. There will be a splendid entertainment, by the Sawdust Club of Pasadena, the Hoo-H'oo Club of Los Angeles, and Mr. George LaShell of Long Beach will deliver the principal address, on "He Who Serves Best Profits Most."
The members and guests are urged to bring their wives, a special entertainment has been provided by the ladies of Long Beach.