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Cedar Shingles on the Move
We rvant to back with the rarne kind of Service.
Here is a truck and trailer load of "CREO-KURED" Cabot Stained Cedar Shingles, enough shingles to cover fourteen thousand square feet, going to the job in Los Angeles.
The Hanawalt Spaulding Company, manufacturers of this product, are proud of the su.ccess they are having with machine stained shingles, and point with pride to the results of their efforts to push the better grades and heavier shingles. Mr. Barrett Hanawalt states that his company hopes, within a very short time, to be turning out nothing but strictly vertical grain cedar shingles, all stained in the bundle, with Cabots Creosote Stains.
The shipmenti above was delivered to a large church jorb in Los Angeles, one of many jobs that have been landed by the aggressive sales department of the Hipolito Screen and Sash Company, distributors of CREO-KURED.
Los Angeles has gained another wholesale office this month, by the opening of Los Angeles headquarters by Maxwell & Wilkinson, who will handle the L. B. Menefee Lumber Companys account in Southern California.
Mr. Geo. W. Maxwell is well acquainted among the trade in this state, he has been with the L. B. Menefee for some time, at their Portland offices. Mr. W. W. Wilkinson was formerly connected #ith the Lumber Buyers, a wholesale company in Portland.
The L. B. Menefee l-umber Com,pany operates the following mills: The L. B. Menefee Lumber Company, at Winlock Wash., Wendling, Ore. and Ranier, Ore., The University Shingle Mill, Portland, Hubbard Lumber Company, Linnton, Ore., North Portland Lumber Company, Portland, and the Murphy Timber Com,pany at Yacolt, Wash.
Bob Forgie In New Offices
Mr. Robert Forgie, Los Angeles wholesaler of fir, etc., has moved his offices from room 602 Central Building, to room 430, same buil'ding. There is no change in the telephone number.