2 minute read
Wher you fmil a vholesale conryany that ho* The Facilitiesz The Orgaizlaion; The Stocfs: anil The Wholesome DESIRE: to setive you, anil sertte you vell: CONSULT
The man behind the counter would say-"I'm sorry but we haven't any more of those left. We had two or three but some one borrowed them-and d,idn't return them."
That customer wis probably :lost. He would goi to some architect or contractor, get his plans drawn up and the contractor would take the bill to his favorite lurnber yard-but how things have changed. Now when a Prospective Home Builder comes into the office and asks for plans for homes the man rbehind the counter says "I'll call our service department manager." Then the service department manager says, "Have you any idea as to how many rooms you want, a two-story house or a bungalow? We have at least a thouqand plans from which you catr choose and if none o,f them suit we will be glad to have your idea drawn up for'you."
A Real Plan Service demands a service department. It' demands some one that is actually tra'ined to know what is in the Plans Books, what arrang'ements are best-it iequires a lot of patiencs and a lot of enthusiasm to help these prospective custonrers deoide what they want. There are several Plan Services. We have three in our office and as many other books on homes as we think fit our territory.
Don't for a moment th'ink that the Plan Service stops with the elevation and the floor plan. It is just beginning and just getting interesting, because invarialbly the--customer wili askt'How is it going to look inside? Have you some idea as to how homes are b.eing finished,. are ihey using paint or stain? What shall I use in mine.'f Th6re is ihere the Books on Interiors come'in handy. We have some that are put out by various companies----one by Morgan Sash & Door Co., called "Building with Assurancel but the ones we like the best and use the most are the scrap book we make ourselves. We have startetd in these w,ith gardens and have every kind of a garden imaginable from a postage stamp lawn to acres and acres of glounds belonging to estates. Next are homes of all desfriptions then-enlrances, hall ways, stairways, living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, bath rooms, €very possi'bls room in the house. \['henever it is 'possible we get these pictures in colors so our prospect can have'an Idea for color schemes. It is the Service Dept. duty to know what is the latest thing in drapes, in.colors, in rugs, how they are made and of what materials. And.that bringsus ,into ihe display roorn part in this Romancing End 9i the Retail Lumbei Game. Too much stress cannot be laid upon the display rooml or'service room. It is an import4nt factor and we believe one of the greatest assets we have in selling a home or remodeling. No customer can 'get a good idea as to what built-in features or a 'door or a breakfast nook or hardwood floors really look like from a picture, but if you take a customsr into an artistically arianged room where everything bespeaks of the best ideas in household furnishings-where there are comfortable chairs-dainty hangings at the windows, beautiful rugs ori the floors, where everything points to what is best for the home in the line of conveniences and comforts that you carry in your building material store-surround your prospect w,ith plan books the psychological effect is wonder-
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