1 minute read
ful. Immediately the Ohs and Ah's are forthcoming-ideas and conversation start and the prospect is really interested in your service. If you surround your customer with the things that go to make a home lovely and artistic as well as convenient, h,is attention is centered right there and half the battle is over.
In our display rooms we have all kinds of 'built-in features, ironing boards, breakfast tables, kitchen cabinetmedicine chest wall seat in one room. In another a breakfast nook done in white and gray-several kinds of front doors-a mirror door-buffet an'd a table, the top of which is built of the different kinds of hardwood floo.ring.
The walls are covered with plaster board. We find these rooms one of the greatest assets in selling built-in features-and all the other things that go to make up the modern co.nveniences of a home.
We can truthfullv sav we sell carloads of wall board just trecause *'. catr sh'ow people what it looks like on the wall-the finished product.
Don't for a minute think that this Romancing is just a whim or an ideal that doesn't bring results. It does-and while you may not sell every customer who comes in to look at your Plan Service-you will sell the most of them and what is more they will tell their friends and neighbors and before you know it you are taking your place among the leading building material merchants.
When you get back to your home'M,r. Retail Dealerget your Plan Books off the shelf-dust them, tuck thenr under your arm, go down the street-visit with your real estate dealers find out who is interested in building- visit them not just once but often-show them that you have somehing 'besides lumber at your store and the results will be surprising.
Try the Romancing pnd of the Retail Lumber Business. You'll find it pays.