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he Frost Hardwood Cornpany at San Diego
The hardwood game in California is a different proposition than it was a few years ago.
It is not hard to remem,ber the old time tumble down sheds, and hard-to-find offices maintained by the pioneers in
Market and State Streets. Their old plant was on Ninth Street.
They have built a beautiful, well arranged office building, two stories in heighth, of steel and concrete construction. The front is of early Spanish Mission design, Steel sash are used com'bining utility with beauty and permitted the offices to be flooded with light. A beautifully designed doorway finished in solid mahogany flanked on either side by bracket lamps of antiqus Spanish design opens directly into a spaciou's lobby. The lobby is trimmed with Mahogany with a soft old baronial finish and heavy rugs on the highly polished Oak floors add a touch of warmth and hominess seldom found in a business ofifice. Adjoining the lob- this'business, men who has tackled a hard game and were determined to put it over. Hardwood for trim, and many others uses, in now a staple all over the state, and it is refreshing to note the many changes that have happened in the merchandising of these stocks.
Here are some views of the new plant of the Frost Hardwood Company, at San Diego. Last year, when Mr. Al Frost, head of this company, decided to erect a new plant that would be a credit to the industry and to the city, he planned well, as is evdenced by the photos. This is one of the most attractive establishments of its kind in the state.
It is an entire new plant, being located on the corner of square is composed of a different grade of flooring. Wicker furniture heightens the artistic effect of this well arranged display r,oom. The business office is designed to permit the utmost convenience and comfort for the office force, as well as for custom€rs. Hardwood panels cover the walls and the same artistic motif has been carried out as in the lob'by and display room. The sheds cover over ten thousand square feet of ground. Well arranged for piling and loading, and convenient to a spur of the S. D. & A. Railway, this yard is designed to give the maximum of efficiency in handling stocks of all kinds.
This company was organized about thirteen years ago by Mr. Albert Frost. At the present time, Mr. Frost is the active head of the organization, and Mr. Howard, Thompson holds the position as manager.
Why They Quit
One hundred and seventy-eight persons answered a guestionnaire as to why they had stopped buying at a particular store. Here are their reasons:
Walter M. Brown To Represent Hendrickson Lumber ComPanY In Southern California
Walter M. Brown, for many years connected with the lumber industry in Cal'ifornia, is now acting as the rePresentative of the Hendrickson Lumber Cb. in Southern California, and is located at 330 Central Building, Los Angeles' Mr. Brown has held many resPonsible positions w'ith California lumiber concerns and in the past has'been connected with the Pacific Lumber & Timber Co., New York representative for J. H. Baxter & Co., and manager of the lumber department for the Swayne & Hoyt Co.
The California Rail Trade
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