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Manufacturert of Douglae Fir and Port Orford Cedar.
Sawmills, Marehfield, Oregon.
Distributing Plant, - Bay Point.
Annud R,oducion
2(X),flX),0(D Feet
L.os Aneples Office, ffilrl'"''
Solving Problem
We sell anything in sofh^'oods that thc C,ali' fornia dealer desirea.
u/hite pin- f)6r,slae Fir, Rcdwood, C-edar and Redwood Shinglea, Split Rcdwood Poctc, Tie! and Stakee.
Our connectlons arc thc best, and uE gtoc the bcst Possfblc Ecrrolce.
Concerning Prepared Roofing Materials
An interesting discussion from the offices of the pioneer Paper Company, Los Angeles.
I-t is a far cry from ,the day of the ancient Babylonians an-d the @ntemporaries of King Tut to the present era of scientific and engineering marvels-yet one trivels over this span of thousands of years in a survey of the history of asphalt and its uses.
It has been established that asphalt is the oldest waterproof.adhesive known to man, and since its production from petroleum has made it readily available in iarge quantities, it has been adapted for a Burprisinrg number-of industrial purposes. For ygars asphalt has been employed to great advantage in ro,ad building but only of late has its uie in another industry of equal importance-the construction of prepared roofing-.;lscome wide-spread.
. Today the roofing industry is a close second to the pav- ing industry in the consumption of asphalt, and togeiher they cr:nsume approximately 90 per cenf of the asphalt out' put.
- Prepared roofing, building and engineering experts agree, has come to be accepted as an ac-eptable -forrir of h-ouse c-overing because of its waterproof and fireproof qualities, durability, low cost, and attractive appearance.
With the popularization of prepaiCd roofing and a legal ban in many sections on wooden shingles bJcause of the , fire risk, scores of other uses for the product have been :devised. These uses include every neid in the builder,s category where waterproof, dustprbof, sound and colcl, resisting materials are required.
Redwood Durabiiity
REDWOOD 3/e," Rrstic- Bevel or Novclty Siding in an Extra Merchantable gradc har proven to be capecially eatisfactory in many teritoriee rvhere a CHEAPER SIDING ie required. It givee a botter appearance on thc iob, haa morc etrength and insulating qualitiea than thinner stock and ie a wood that will ingure you a year or more from now againet complainte and diesatisfied customcr&

Thc longcr Rcdwood ie on thc job thc more its real value showa up. We will bc glad to quote you.
Indicative of the durability and usefulness of asphalt, as well as showing the number of years its use has ,been known to man, historians have discovered that olden Egyptians mumefied their dead by wraping the bodies in cloth and then coating the cloth with asphaltic pitch. The sacred chambers or tombs of the dead Egyptian kin,gs, as well as all the crevices in the pyramids, were sealed against the centuries by means oi'asphalt..
Of perhaps more local significance in this same connection is the fact that the bones of the mastoclon, saber- tooth tiger, and other prehistoric mammals were found perfectly preserved in the asphalt beds of Southern Calirornta.
YhS" the prehistoric hunter made a tent of goat skins or'built 1 goat skin boat, he u'ater-proofed the-seams by coating them with asphaltic bitumen. The ancient Sum-
Lunbcr, rplit grapcdakcs, pods
Cargo and Rril Shipmcntr
16 California St. .:. San Fnncieco
917 Monednock Bldg, PLonc Koerny lB{ MEMBER
1025 Vrn Nuyr Bldg. Phono tzl-Ti2
ASSOCI.ATION arians, who inhabited the Euphrates Valley about 2000 B. C. used asphalt as a cement for attaching ornaments to sculpture, carvings, and pottery. tle&use asphalt is a substance that does not dry out,-the roll of roofing or shingles that are cut from this fabric do not dry oui and crack and split. They are resilient and pliable. As they ,contain no materials that freeze or rust, they are also immune to damage from frost.
ETIFIY'THREE ycars ago Fathcr Hcnncberr;r I' built this Catholic achool for boyr at Alton, California. It ig now bcing torn down for the Redwood lumber it containa.
As a mortar for brick, asphalt was used in the construction of the tower of Ba'bel. It was Nebopo'lassar, king of Babylon, who first used asphalt as a mortar or filler in the construction of paved streets.
But not all ,of the interesting data concern'ing asphalt and its uses is to be found in the perusal of ancient history. It sound's absurd to say that two-thirds of the homes of America are covered by old rags. Yet this statement, with a little amplification, is correct.

Prepared Roofing, which oovers more ,ho'uses in this countiy than all other forms of roofing. combined, is made basicafiy out of old rags. When the housewife seltrs the family's discarded clothing to the rag man she little real. izes fhat that same material may come back to her in the form of a roof for a new bungalow.
Thousands crf tons of rags are consumed daily in the manufacture of prepared roofing. One of the worlds largest factories engaged in the manufacture of this product isthe PIONEERI-PAPER COMPANY. U-pon the arrival of these discarded garments at the facto;ry they are sorted and ground to a pulp similar to that used in the manufacture of paper. This pulp is then transformed into the fabric of felt of long fibre and great durability.
Then hot asphait is forced through every pore and fiber of the material and the combination is coated above and below with asphalt to make it proof against decay and leakage.
The roll roofing or shingles are covered with a crushed slate or rock surface in attractive colons that shields them from wear and further preserves the fabric against the ravages of the weather. During the manufacture the crushed nock or slate surface is em,be'dded in the asphalt as firmly as pieces of marble are embedded in a mosaic floor.
The shingles are made in different sizes and colors and by using a-p-propriate colors and combinations it is possible for the homi builder to get not only a fire safe and servr'caLrle noof. but one that can be made very artistic and blend uicely with the surrounding lapdscape.