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Construction In California Has Big Growth
October Total for 28 Cities Throughoui State Reaches
California, with an October total of.$39,404,012, gained ,CI per cent over October of last year and 23 per cen,t over September of this year in twenty-eight cities reporting.
San Francisco, with $3,793,374 totrl, lost 19 per cent from last October, but gained 3O per cent over September. Fresno made a remarkable increase. 177 per cent over October, and 365 per cent over Septem,ber, with a total of $1,392,081.
Oakland, with $2,759,208. set a new high record, this figure being 14 per cent over last October and 8 per cent over last September. Berkeley and Alameda also report heavy building, the Iormer $1,224,225. The total for-the three east bay cities, $4,113,312, is a 46 per cent gain over last October, and 37 per cent over September.
Cities Survey
_ Figures for each city and totals for the twenty-eig{rt California cities reporting are given in the following ta6le.