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Here is a beautiful advertieement recently displayed in the Los Angelee daily papers by the Woodhead Lumber Company. .Look it over: doesn't a display like this, with actual figures driven home, make an appeal that is bound to draw business)

For Less Than $800
HIS charming 4-room California cottage cannot help but appeal to thoae whose requirements are met in a modest home.
We will supply the rough and finished Iumber, rough and finiehed hardwdr€, eash and doors, roofing and wallboard' and screens for this compact, convenient fourroom house, for lesr than $80o.
Call and 8ee ua for complete details of this aplendid offer. Ask for design No. | 03-A.
Free Service for Buildere
In our Dozttntown Serztdce Department gou will find bound volumes of Plans and lhoto' groPhs of hundreds of different homes-together with cast estitnates. Also ltou cafi see dk?loys of aarious ty?es of doors and' toindozus, built-in f eatures---all set u!, hardwood flooring, roofing and other building materials. You may at all times haoe the benefit of our long years of erPerience, together with our unPrej*diced adaice on an! building Problen, zaithout any obligation oft lour part,
Member Los Angeles Chomber of Commerce*Mewber Builders' Erchange
(Continued from Page 24) compendium, and compendium is synonymous with synopsis." fn Bernard Shaw's play, "fn the Beginning," the serpent sayq to Eve,-"1tr76en you and Adam talk, I heard you say 'Why?-always-Why?-You see things; and you say Why? But I dream, things-that-never-were, and I say-'WHY NOT?"' Two little words of three letters each and it matters not whether they were whispered in the garden of Eden, invented by a Pre-Adamite, or evolved from primeval slime. In some way they came into the world and when we stop to catch their subtle meaning we realize that they have inspired every forward 'step since time began.
In trying to determine the. reason w.hy lum'ber advertisements are so invariably good, I have come to the conclusion that it is because no one else has so many wonderful and ,inspiring things to write about as' the lumberman. Fiom the trees in the spicy forests to the completed home that shelters a happy human family, the way is filled with the- glamor of romance and the :glory of personal endeavor, conquest and achievement. The lumberman looks upon his work and knows that it is good and into h,is rnind come troop,ing the short, s,imple, forceful and tender words with which to tell of it.

They are excellent, appropriate and felicitous words, familiar words, pictorial words. Mountain-forest-rivertree--camp-mill-beam-door-Home. Unattended by any other parts of speech, they still have power to -conjure before our mental vision the grandeur and beauty of nature, the adventures, sacrifices and accomplishments of virile mjen, and the restful, tender joys of some little home, alight with love and business.
"Why Not?" It's a wee slogan but very powerful and filled with faith and the courage of higth endeavor. It's a challenge, a dare, a tntmpet call. It has builded temrples and empires, wooed the lightning from the clouds and set the captives free; it solves the mysterie s of Nrature, compels her forces to do the will of men and will in time, drive the powers of ignorance, superstition and intolerance back to the limbo whence they came. That is the creative power of words. The dynamic force contained in some sim,ple word or comhination of words is today known and understood by the man who advertises. He knows that results follow when the mighty agency of words is perrnitted to do its perfect work and for that reason he toils to create the slogan that is more than a play upon words, the bit of sentiment that does not degenerate into sentimentality, the forceful expression, the subtle suggestion, the clean humor and the word picture whose outline are not blurred and as he woids he dreams of "Things that never were," of things he'd like to do, of changes he'd like to make, of $etting out of the ruts, of making dreams come true and something whispers to the .otl oltri*,-'IXII NOT."
G. R. Bleeker, of San Francisco, Northern California representative of the Eagle Lumber Company, has returned from a ten days business trip to Portland and Westimber, Oregon. While in the north, he conferred with R. A. Stevenson, sales manager of the Eagle Lumber Co., and also made a trip to the company mill at Westimber. Mr. Bleeker made the trip by automobile and was accompanied bv Mrs. Bleelter.
Lewis Moves To Portland
Mr. C. E. Lewis, who has been connected with the Gerrnain Company in San Francisco for some time, has been transferred to the Portland offices.